Saturday, January 17, 2009

Halos accomplished

I know it is not my day, but I just wanted to let everyone who prayed for me that it worked.  I have accepted a new job and turned in my two weeks on Tuesday.  I much appreciate the "halos tossed up".  there is travel involved with this new job, so hopefully I can catch some of ya'll while I'm out and about.  I will be calling on athletic trainers of pro football and baseball orgs as well as big D-1 programs....whoops.  As I said, thanks for the prayers, because this job could not fit any better.  
I love you guys




Jules said...

That sounds perfect, pumped for you, prayer is real and it works. Let's keep that prayer list moving.

Tyler Durham said...

Great news! I'm pumped for you.

Tanner said...

High five! Give me that freakin dap!

Anonymous said...

Congrats man, that's awesome!