Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Great Exchange

"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." - 2 Corinthians 5:21

What this verse is talking about is what theologians call, "The Great Exchange." Christ took upon himself our sin, and in exchange we received his perfect righteousness. How does this transaction take place, by faith, not by works. This is the pure, unadulterated Gospel at its best. This is what we are to shout from the rooftops! In Christ there is reconciliation with God! In Christ there is forgiveness of sins! In Christ we are we are regarded by God the Father as righteous! No condemnation! No shame! No guilt! Christ took it all!

Why did he do it? This verse says, "For our sake." Who's initiative was this wonderful plan? Some would say Jesus because the Father is an angry Judge who Jesus finally convinced to go through with the plan. Wrong! It was the Father's initiative. The verse say "he made him." Who is he? The Father.

Jesus knew no sin the verse goes on to say. Has there ever been a time in your life where you were mistreated unjustly. I remember to this day my first night in Peoria with the Chiefs. We had a banquet to kick off the season and our fearless leader, Joe C., who frequented the titty bar nightly we came to find out, started introducing all the players. It was a dark and spooky banquet hall across from our hotel. Think "The Shining." Anyways, he rattles off all the position players names, talkin 'em up, feeding there egos and he doesn't call my name (middle infielder). So I think maybe he will get me after the pitchers and so he goes through the pitchers and then the show is over. Everybody around me begins to look around awkwardly, while my host family is wondering whether I am really a player. So, to make a long story short, someone whispers in his ear, "you left out Tyler," and he then talks about how happy he is I'm on the team....REAL HAPPY. Yeah right.

It was embarrassing, I felt wronged, and I felt I wasn't taken seriously. But I am still a sinner. I have done the same to others before. "He made him who had no sin," the verse says. Jesus was sinless. Of all the people in the world who deserved better it was him. But he was spit on, stripped naked, beaten to a bloody pulp, laughed at, mocked, put to shame. What worse, it was on a cross. The was shameful death you could die. Why did he not call down ten thousand angels and destroy these people, and make them pay for putting to shame the one who created them and will judge them in the end? The answer: for our sake he didn't. That is for those who repent and believe in him for their salvation.

For his sheep, he bore there sins upon that bloody cross, but he did more, he gave us his perfect righteousness. We have become the righteousness of God.

Let's now live like it.

- Durham


Jules said...

YAaaaaa! I'm pumped after reading that post TD. Fire-up start your engines, I'm starting mine. I can't believe He didn't smash those Romans for that beat down. I think to myself "I never would have died for us"! How sovereign is our God?

B. Free said...

Dude. Thanks for the words and sharing that unbelievable moment. I am also amazed at what Jesus made himself.... for the chance we might follow.... the chance. What faith. His actions have never died even tho it was thousands of years ago and there is no doubt in my mind that His life and message will stand forever. Lets bring it, lets carry it, lets preach the truth and not water it down. Lets be ambassadors and teach others if possible. If we make a mistake, lets correct it and move on stronger. Thanks fellas. -B