Monday, January 19, 2009

e-Fellowship USA Tour

Alright, Sam started this whole idea and I stayed awake most of the night last night thinking this over. We can make this thing happen but we got some serious brainstorming to do if we are going to do this right. For those of you that have no clue what I'm talking about, Sam brought up the idea of touring the country and putting on camps/missions in our local areas. Personally, I feel this is the direction e-Fellowship could succeed in going. So here are some questions that I came up with that we need to be thinking about. Please don't just read this particular post and not comment because we need everyone's opinions and ideas to make this thing work efficiently. 

What is our camp/mission format? 

Who are we trying to reach out too? (this could change each mission)

How do we fund this? Donations? Should we ask for donations at each camp to fund the next one?

Do we need a non-profit status?

How do we plan to advertise these missions?

How are we going to schedule these based on everyone's availability?

How many people do we need per mission to run a successful operation?

What is our roster of people who are in and where do they live and what are their resources?

These are what I came up with last night but I know there are many more things we need to consider and figure out. But lets get this thing heading in the right direction by talking about it and sharing opinions and ideas. Consider this post an e-Fellowship board meeting. Also, there is going to have to be someone who steps up and takes the reigns of this operation. Someone in this group needs to be the leader who organizes this whole thing and keeps this process running efficiently. Last question.

Who wants to be the leader of the e-Fellowship Tour?

I love this group and the possibilities that are soon to be presented. Use us our Lord and King!



Nolan Gottlieb said...

I love this...

This is a great way for us to put feet on the E-fellowship ministry. We can finally put some of the stuff we've been talking about into action.

In response to some of the questions...

I think that each person involved knows best what that community needs...for example it would be dumb to put on a hockey clinic in the ghetto. And it would be dumb to have a neighborhood cookout in the suburbs where food isn't an issue. Like you said...this will change w/ every mission.

Scheduling...if we scheduled around everyone we'd never get anything done. In my opinion, we'd have to set dates 1st and let everyone have plenty of time to ask off or whatever. In my walk of life, I would probably be able to go anytime...given the right amount of time.

I wouldn't wanna fly to WA and spend 3 days there....if I spend that $$$ to get there I'd wanna do 5 days minimum. That's just me...

If we wanted to take donations to help fund would be in our best interest to get a non-profit status. I've got a guy we can use...

My area of influence is Dublin, you will see in the coming months there is PLENTY of need in my neighborhood. I've got kids playing on a playground of broken liquor bottles and dirty mattress thrown into an abandoned lot...just to name one.

That's my input for now...maybe a better way to talk about this would be in tokbox. Tokbox is a video chat thingy...its like having an ichat w/ 10 people in a realtime conversation. Anyone fimiliar w/ that??? It would be a good tool to have a monthly live bible study with everyone in a room...just a thought.

Tyler Parker said...

i think the elephant in the room here is the baseball season. there are 6 or 7 people in this group that are still playing. if my memory serves me, it is easier to play pick up sticks with your butt cheeks than get 2 days off in a row in season. are we holding/ planning this for the next 8 months?
Also, i can just see people reading these posts and freaking out or just tuning out. all we can do about that is pray for strength and drive for "fencers" and pray for realists thinking this through and wondering how in the world this could really really be pulled myself

Tanner said...

I am a realist which is why I presented so many questions for us to consider. As far as the baseball thing goes, if 3 people who don't play can visit someone who does then who's to keep those 4 from doing some mission work in the particular city where an e-fellowship member plays? Baseball chapel reps can be very helpful in making something like that happen. Also, I know of one particular e-fellowship mission trip that we can take where no members necessarily have to get on an airplane. There are 6-8 e-fellowship members living in GA that can easily help Nolan with his particular mission field for one weekend. There would be no expenses for housing and only a tank of gas for travel. There's a way to make this work but that is why we have to discuss all these things through and yes, we have to be realistic with what we want to do and what we are actually able to do. Yes, we have to stay within ourselves but let us not underestimate ourselves.


Tanner said...

One more thing....

"Then the King will say to those on His right hand, 'Come you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.' Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?' And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'" - Matthew 25:34-38

"If a brother or sister is naked and lacking daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?" - James 2:15-16

We are called to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and visit the sick. We are not called to simply pray for those in need. We are called into action so lets start acting.


waino said...

i think it would be wise to talk to people who have started things like this before. the men at U.P.I. (unlimited potential int)and the like as i think it would allow us to kinda skip some pieces in planning that might take a while to work out. in my opinion, as our fellowship grows, we could have regional missions to make it easy on everyone and their travels. we got the southeast covered...resta the nation needs to step up. ne, midwest, sw,nw...step up.
waino possible way for me to do anything during the season. off days are few and far between and as a father and husband it would not be right to leave them for that day.

Jules said...

Terry, Great questions. I am not gifted with a realistic way of thinking, I am a dreamer but I do bring some serious intensity. I feel like it would be best for us to jump onto something that is going on already to gain experience. So it seems like Nolan's ministry would be a good start. As mentioned by Adam, it would be good for us to talk to other groups who do this type of stuff to get more info.

Tyler Parker said...

I guess Joe Dirt put it best...

"you can't have 'no' in your heart"

Jules - take that hippy west coast dreamer attitude and hunker down. I need you to set up a flow chart and histogram on credit vs debit of this endeavour....jk

Love your intensity as always.

I seem to agree with standing on Nolan's shoulders, since he has the most experience of the group. But, I also know how much he has on his plate right now.
Starting regionally makes the most sense to me. We don't have to start our "feet" by doing a 3 day baseball camp like Athletes in Action. As simple as getting together with some E-Fellowshipers in your region and having a cook out with local kids can work just fine. Heck, 4 or 5 people can get together head up to Wal-Mart and buy 5 sleeping bags and pass them out to homeless people and stuff a bible in there. Work that plan and see the results. Put up some video on this site to show how well things went.
We can chip away at that regionally during the season and then try and expand in September.

I think we would all like to get together one day and do some of God's work just to meet each other. I feel like I know so many people on here and have never even had a face to face with them.
Like Durham said, groups like this don't just happen. This started with about 4 of us just trying to keep each other accountable and now look at it.


Tanner said...

The sleeping bags with a bible in them is a great little mission that anyone of us can carry out in any location even during the season, even when we're on the road during the season. I like the Sleeping Bag ministry. Nice insight Tyler.


Nolan Gottlieb said...

I like the sleeping bag idea too...and the cookout one.

I know that the immediate need in my neck of the woods is a safe place for kids to play...then relationship building and Jesus sharing with the rest of the adult population in the neighborhood.

For the guys still playing ball...what could e-fellowship do to reach out and let your teammates know that we care?? I know there's not much need in the pro community, but do they respond to home cooked brunches??? That sounded kinda gay...but you know the question I'm getting at. Maybe the most efficient way to do this would be with the folks you know best...

You just show me where to sign...

Anonymous said...

You can't spell the West without the E-S. Jules, Hawk, Frnntnozzi, Reyes, Carrigan, Eggers, and T will put on something official. Jules put together a baseball camp and we worked it great. Three of us flew to Cali and dropped testimonies all over the place. Regional is the way to go, and I agree with Waino about the season. I'd rather stretch in the rain with Tony Diggs then fly to Dublin and witness with you pagans.

Love the Wal-Mart sleeping bag routine, that pumps me up big time. Jules, lets head down to Compton in neutral colors and rep our set.

Anonymous said...

Heres the deal, we are going to begin the e-fella tour sometime in October. I dont think anyone is on a playoff contending team, but I may be mistaken. This will give guys plenty of time to start saving for plane tickets. This will also enable us time to contact local churches, little leagues and high schools in regards to the event.

1.) Lock down a date
2.) We will need a venue. Little Leagues in the fall should be no problem.
3.)We will need to fill the roster of e-fella stars.
4.)We will arrange for rental vans and hotels. Unless of course a church will provide rides.
5.)We will assign responsibilties. ie. baseballs, fungos, tees, nets and any give away gear.
6.) Get in the plane and lets do some damage to the devil!!!!!

I know this may sound too easy, but it really is if we allow it to be. Lets not get in the way of what God has cookin. In the past three years I have been apart of atleast eight baseball outreaches, and Ive planned one myself. Its not that hard, all you really need is some ball players and the crowds will follow.

I dont care where we start, Tampa is what I know and I have plenty of connections in the inner city from doing ministry there for the past year and a half. I could also find a place where everyone can crash along with transportation. Like I said before, I have a non-profit already established but we would need to get insurance unless we used the churches, which shouldnt be a problem.

As far as donations and funds, because we have no headquarters, distributing plant, sweatshop, or any other type of over head, the only expenses will be travel and hotel. But takin a love offering at the end of each camp would help go towards our first purchase.....
a website. Churches and organizations from across the country can go online and see what were doin and book a show. I figure by the end of the summer we could have an extremely deep roster. So early registration is strongly encouraged.

I know we got a bunch of hearers of the Word, but do we have doers????????????????????????

waino said...

"don't think anyone is on a playoff contending team"...? that's almost fightin words right there studly. you tell the central that i'm fired up now after that comment. i'll be ready in november.

Anonymous said...

Come on waino, I'm just tryin to stoke the fire. Sometimes we need a little gas to get those flames goin.