Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obeying Authority

Romans 13:1-2 "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God and those who resist will bring judgement on themselves. 
Obeying your authority whether it be boss, employer, government, etc... it can be hard. We often ask "is this right"? This verse shows that God uses them for His divine purposes. We are called to be obedient to these situations because God has put them there. However we have to prayerfully react to the situation, never in haste. Does anybody ever think about cheating on their taxes? This verse probably will convict us of that thought. 
v4 "For he is God's minister to you for good." uncle sam might teach us a thing or two about obedience. If we don't act in obedience it could be said that we are sinning against God. I don't want that in my life. Here are some other related verses.
Psalm 75:7 "But it is God who judges, He brings down one and exalts another." 
Psalm 115:3 "Our God is in heaven; he does whatever He pleases."


Tanner said...

I wonder how many of us struggle with that one? Anybody else play for a manager they can't stand and that they think is incompetent? You can't sneak anything by Paul.


waino said...

or how bout when you get a speeding ticket? do we use our friends to get us out of it or drop the cardinals line...or do we submit to authority? Guilty!!!! Good post Jules.