Sunday, March 8, 2009

Voodoo Child...

Voodoo Child...

A few months ago I was watching a music awards show (Don't remember which one...may have even been a re-run) in which they had someone covering a Jimi Hendrix song. It was Voodoo Child which has a very unique intro...if you've heard it you know what I mean...and I was getting all excited because I'm somewhat of a Hendrix fan. 

The person on stage was nailing it...every note...every sound was exactly the same. It was as if he took Jimi's guitar and sound equipment from Woodstock and put it into a air-tight hyperbaricchamber and preserved it perfectly until this performance. If my eyes had been closed I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference until...he started singing.

This got me thinking...You can take something and replicate it with the most precise attention to detail, but unless you have the touch of the original artist it just isn't the same. Without Jimi, Voodoo Child isn't the same.

How many times do we as Christians try to replicate something that Jesus did and leave out the heart of Christ and it just wasn't the same??? Have you ever tried to help someone out who was in need only to give them some help and still feel like something just isn't right??? Or maybe you fasted for a week and at the end of the week feel like the only thing to change was your hunger...

Unless you have the heart of the Original Artist...then your covers of His music aren't gonna be quite the same...(Isaiah 58 reference)


Tanner said...

Solid performance from you Nolan. That was a smooth transition from Jimi to Jesus. Amen!

Jules said...

Nice Nolan, I just wrote a meaty reply but it got erased when I tried to post it, so discouraged.

Tyler Parker said...

Jules, stay positive. I bet it was dynamite....furnt. ha. Nolan, nice message I just wish I could have read it without my retinas burning out. What is with that font? Seriously? I'm headed to the optomitrist, I'll see yall

Nolan Gottlieb said...

Jules...hang in there buddy. We're here for ya.