Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wuv...Twu Wuv

Yep. Today was the big day, and although I wasn't able to make it, our boy Blake "the knife" Hawksworth got married. As a celebration of his big day I thought I'd commit a few minutes on our E-Fellow to talk about what God thinks of marriage. But first, congrats to the Hawksworth's, and safe travel on the honeymoon. Hopefully you wont read this til you get back. Here we go. Our Lord makes it abundantly clear right away that we are better off married than not...And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a helper that is suitable for him. Genesis 2:18. He waited all the way until Genesis 2 to get this going. We aren't meant to be alone guys. We are meant to have one wife. Helper didn't have an s on the end of it. And when we get married we are called to leave home...sorry momma but guess who comes in a distant second now. There's no more checking with mom to do this or that. The Lord tells us we better be making sure we put her, the wifey, first in Genesis too...Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24 Everybody on here knows that person that constantly battles with mom and his wife about things. "Well, mom wants to ...but my wife wants to just don't know what to do." You heard that one before. If that person speaking is you then you better check yo self right now. I'm no marriage counselor but I know there's only room in the nest for one hen. Enough bad metaphors from me on this. God tells us its good to be married. And that we are blessed to have finally found our soulmate. As He stated earlier we are called to be so close we become one flesh. So when you hear all that wives submit to your husband stuff just know that as husbands we are called to do the same right after that. A few years ago at PAO, the headline speaker was Gary Chapman who wrote the 5 Love Languages. It wasn't until he broke down a few of the different languages that I really understood what made my wife tick. I'm not gunna go into all the languages but I'll tell you that my wife's language is Quality Time...followed closely by acts of service. What that means is that she would much rather me just hang out with her or do the dishes for her than give her a present...for her that is a present. Me...I, like most men i'm sure, am a Physical Touch language guy. Followed closely by acts of service. I need the touch and love the dinner prepared or dishes/laundry. When I get home and my clothes are clean and folded it's like better than Christmas. So, moral of all these stories, God loves marriage and take the time to get to know your wife/husband for who they really'll help you love the marriage that God so loves. See all y'all at PAO.


1 comment:

Tanner said...

Well done Counselor Waino and another Congrats to the Blake on his addition to the Hawk's nest.

Waino, first off, great usage of metaphorical language. Also, good explanation of how we are to leave our parent's house and start a life of our own with our newfound partner in life. This partner is not to be our slave or sex toy but rather a partner that we know intimately through constant pursuit of herself and her desires. Great job Waino!


The post was solid but as usual I wanted to bring up a random silly thought that came to my mind when I ran across the word "soulmate". Does everyone here believe in a soulmate? That special someone that God has in store just for you? The reason that I ask is because I am not so sure that I believe in a soulmate. What would happen if someone married someone else's soulmate? Then that person's soulmate that they married would have to go marry some one else's soulmate and now we've got a mess on our hands.... Now, I could see the argument of a soulmate I guess in reference to God's sovereignty but I find the idea of a soulmate kind of Hollywoodish. Plus, no woman was ever meant to "complete me" (sorry Tom and Renee)..... Only my Lord and True Soulmate Jesus Christ can complete me. Ok, so there is my pretty meaningless jargon on the idea of a soulmate that actually has little to do with the great points about marriage that Waino made. Sorry that my brain works this way.