Monday, November 9, 2009

Lessons Learned from Water Skiing...

I’ve only been water skiing a few times in my life, but I remember something about it when from when I did. As most everyone knows, you start out in the water not moving at all and if it weren’t for the life jacket that I had on I’d be sinking. However, when the motor of the speedboat got cranked up and going that all changed. As we started going I started moving and as we started going fast I began to skim across the top of the water.

That’s one of the principles that God wired into the universe at creation…as you go faster and faster the more surface level you have to stay at, and the slower you go the deeper you can go. I’m sure there’s a scientific name for that, but you’ll just have to endure my description.

But as you may be able to recognize this isn’t just a physical principle, but also a spiritual one as well. Spiritually, many of us are going so fast that it’s impossible to live deeply and joyfully in God because we don’t take the time to slow down and actually spend time with Him. Our culture thrives on activity. We have something going every morning, every day, and every evening. There’s almost no time to eat, that’s why fast food is so popular. In fact, if someone were to ask you how things were going with you, you’d probably answer with “busy”, and that’s a respectable answer.

This can present a problem with us spiritually because a lot of us are just too “busy” to set aside time to get alone and pray. Jesus, however, took the lead in showing us how important it was to get alone with the God of the universe and pray.

Mark 1:35…Before the sun came up He’s praying.

Matthew 14:23…In the evening He’s praying.

Luke 6:12…He’s praying all night.

Luke 3:12…At His baptism He’s praying.

Luke 9:28…On the mount of transfiguration He’s praying.

Matthew 26…Before his crucifiction He’s praying.

Luke 23:34…On the cross He’s praying.

Do you think Jesus was busy??? Absolutely! However, he MADE SURE to SLOW DOWN and spend some time with the God in heaven. May we stop skimming across the surface of God and let go of the rope, sink down, and live deeply in the God of the universe.


Tanner said...

I have long underestimated the power of being still and knowing that God is God. I have recently made constant efforts to have periods of the day where everything is silent. Tv is off. Dish washer is off. Baby is asleep. I try and use this time to get in the Word or to pray. I'm trying to rid myself of as many distractions as possible. Rarely do I drive now with any music or anything playing. Rarely is my TV just on to be on. Not that these things are bad but just because I need and desire simplicity and quietness so that my mind may wonder and ponder. That being said, I'm obviously a huge fan of what Nolan is cooking here.

- TEvans

Tyler Durham said...

Great post, Nolan! I pray that we all will go deeper, and that we all experience deep fellowship with the Lord.
