Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Roller Coaster Ride

Today I was in a deep conversation with a couple close friends when this story began to creep into my head. One of my friends related our Christian walk with a roller coaster ride. We've all heard that analogy right? Well, lets think about the passengers on the roller coaster shall we. Usually there are two main types of riders, and we know this because the pictures taken when you're on your way down. There's the "grip the handle as hard as you can and close your eyes rider, and then there's the hands up totally just relaxin' havin' a blast rider." But if you're like me, and I bet most of you can relate, you're kind of a mixture of those two guys. I'm a hybrid. Hands up relaxin on the way up the hill when your coasting, but when the really steep hill comes you got at least one hand on the rail. Amen? That's me all day, and that's me in my spiritual walk. When things are going great I'm "praise God this and praise God that." The hands are up and i'm just relaxing, trusting that the Lord's plan is leading me the right way. But, when times are tough I wanna grab that rail and hold on for myself. This life is meant to be a roller coaster like ride. Each rise and fall is there to teach us lessons, help us grow as Christians, and to Glorify God. Several great points were made to me today. One, we are called to give thanks and be grateful for every situation we are put in...not just good. If things are suddenly stripped of us we are called to give thanks for that too. Ephesians 5:17 & 20 not to be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is; that at all times and for everything, give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the father. My flesh is telling me that's easier to type than to carryout. Point number two, if your problems can be fixed with money then they're not big problems. Point three, all problems are spiritual problems. You got something wrong, then there is One, and only One, who is qualified to listen and answer all you want to bring to His attention. Hands up boys, lets see where and what God has in store for us when we get there.
Hoping to see you all at PAO,

1 comment:

Todd said...

waino bro, i for real diggin this post, not gonna lie, i just read it tonight after we talked about it, but in recent metaphors/analogies/whatever you call thems that i have heard, this one definitely rings most true in my life..