Monday, May 14, 2012

Tough Question

I was talking with a good friend and teammate of mine during our game on Saturday, and we started discussing a very difficult question. I thought it was worth sharing, and I want to attempt to provide an answer that is in harmony with what we know about God.

Q: There are so many genuine, good people in the world that do so many good and charitable things that it is hard to believe that a loving God could not accept them just because they don't follow Jesus?

I'll attempt to provide an answer by asking another question. I agree that there are many great people in this world that exemplify what it means to love your neighbor much better than many people who claim to follow Jesus. They do so many loving and great things for their fellow man that if there was a popular vote among their peers on whether or not they should go to heaven, they would certainly unanimously be voted in. However, I think we all know that our eternal destination is not decided by a popular vote (I know of no theory or doctrine ever proclaiming such). God is the one who decides. It is Jesus who will judge the living and the dead (2 Timothy 4:1).

With that being said, lets think about this on a more personal level. Suppose I was guilty of a certain crime and the punishment was an excruciating painful death. However, you (the reader) decided that you would take my place and experience this excruciating death in order that I may live. After doing this, I decide to go on living my life without ever expressing any gratitude or acknowledgment of what you did for me. I live a long healthy life but now as death confronts me, it is your vote that determines my destination. Are you now to extend even more grace than you already have when you gave up everything and died a selfless undeserving death on my behalf? Why would you?

Now, let me be the first to admit that this example is not a sufficient example to actually explain God's grace and righteous judgement. I am simply trying to make this somewhat relatable on a personal level. We can be a very loving and honorable person while at the same time completely dishonoring the one in our life we should love and honor the most. I would venture to say that you would find my complete disregard and ungratefulness toward someone who selflessly died to save my life completely repulsive and offensive. Do we not do the same thing toward Jesus?

With peace,


1 comment:

Andrew Mitchell said...

Here is how I believe you answer that question...
Matthew 5:48-"be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
Our "good" deeds and care for others are filthy rags in front of an eternal, perfect God (Isaiah 64:6). Most, if not all, of our good works are tainted with self-righteousness. Even our good works need pardoned.
Now, the only way we get accepted by God is by Christ's righteousness. The only way we are given this is by Grace Alone. Our only Hope is in Jesus' finished work. Christians have been given the gift of Faith to believe in Him (Eph. 2:8), you have His righteousness and It is Finished. We have to fall on our faces and ask God for His mercy to believe His Gospel better.
Keep up the good posts, love the sharpening around here.