Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jesus is Enough... Write That Down

Why, Lord, do I continue to look at the world as if it is here to serve me. I am only placed on this earth to glorify God's Holy name. Jesus, you are enough. Apart from you I am nothing. Why do I barter with you Lord when I know that you could take everything or give anything that you want. Everything I have you have lent me. Lord please overtake me with your spirit and guide my life and relationships. I think I need to constantly remind myself that you did not create me to fulfill you. I am not the missing piece of you. You have no missing pieces and have no needs. You don't need anything I have, because you already have it! I do not like what Satan is trying to do to me. He is wretched and evil. I know he wants to see me fall. Lord allow me the strength to beat back the darkness. Give me the desire to pursue you. Amen.

I don't know about y'all, but I communicate better with God on paper. Sometimes my prayer life struggles, and I wander off when prayers last more than 30 seconds. My ten cent brain is easily distracted, and i'm sick of it. When I write I feel like i'm really connecting. Has anyone else tried this? I recommend it. What are some other ways you have found that work when fellowshipping with God?

3 THINGS THAT WORK FOR ME (and I wish that number was bigger!) 1. Pray at least once a day without asking for anything (thanks Jules) 2. Write down prayers/conversations with God 3. Have spiritual mentors who can guide you and train you, and that you can ask tough questions. Number 3 is key i think. We should never stop pursuing Christ. Fellowship with brothers is a great way to grow in Christ and have accountability. And remember... Jesus plus nothing is enough. He is all we need. 



Hannah said...

All of us look around and see everything that we don't have and want it, but we need to look at ourselves and if we don't have anything but our Salvation we have it all, cause that will last us forever, everything else fades away!! Great post, cause yes, Jesus is ALL we need!!

Mike N. said...

It's amazing (but true) that not only can writing thoughts down can further personalize our conversation with God, but praying the thoughts of another. Why? Maybe because the reality of our own need and God's extravagant grace resonates with us, and writing/praying another's prayers allow us to focus less on the words and phrases of prayer and more on the God to whom we're praying. I recently compiled an A-Z prayer list with verses from hymns (all prayers) to help focus my praying. Yours if you want it.