Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins are commonly known as envy, glutony, greed, lust, pride, slothfulness, and wrath (Proverbs 6). Why does it seem that they get more attention than others? Honestly I'm not sure but my belief is that these 7 tend to be at the root of most of the other sins so they are all encompassing. In my experience pride is at the root of most of my own sin and that is why it has become important for me to try to strip myself of all types of pride. Proverbs 6 is worth the read some of it can be tough to interpret but much of it can be seen in plain day, God is faithful to reveal something to us everytime we crack open the scriptures.
Proverbs 6:12 "A worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth; he winks with his eyes, he shuffles his feet, he points with his fingers;"
The perverse mouth part jumps off the page to me, how many times do people around me hear something foul or unfruitful come out of mouth? Today I was enjoying a nice high quality breakfast at a local establishment called McDonalds (heard of it) and I overheard an older woman judge four people she didn't even know. She went into detailed about four different scenarios that she observed by just berating their motives and actions. This woman wasn't affected one bit by these instances but she felt she needed to judge them as plain stupid. It sounded so awful, I felt the Holy Spirit urge me to say something like "Hey it's a beautiful day isn't it, God bless you today." I failed to even move from my seat and continued to listen to this conversation, it sounded so terrible. Some of her statements made me think that she might be a believer, this made it even worse for me. I started to look inward and (Matthew 7:3-5) wonder how many times a day I sound like this, gossip is a struggle for me. This woman probably is a nice old woman but today she wasn't showing her best colors.
Solomon continues on in chapter 6 by bringing it back to scripture in verse 20.
Proverbs 6:20 "My son keep your fathers command, and do not forsake the law of your mother. Bind them continually upon your heart; tie them around your neck."
At first look I thought "fathers command" refered to God commandments (Bible) but my study bible teaches that it is in support of the law of your mother which is known as the laws and institution of marriage. The point I was trying to make was focused on the idea of binding them around your neck or wearing your faith on your sleeve in a way that brings glory to God. Too often we mix in and laugh when people talk about trying to get a fan to show the bullpen her boobs. Thats shameful and in know way making God smile, I can see God saying "where were you at on that one Ben?" What about the times where guys are talking about their night life and we feel the prideful desire to share a story of debauchery from our past just so we can be seen as cool for a minute? Why, who are you, are we that doubleminded? These are the challenges of living in a fallen world but we can stand up for righteousness and make an eternal impact. Who wants to make an impact, eternal impact? Do you really want to make an impact or are you just after His blessings? We all need an occassional "fruit inspection" so take a minute to check your motives. More often than not one of these 7 sins is at the bottom of our problem, sniff it out and kill it, pray for God to reveal it. Brian Dailey recently shared with me a script from Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all."
This script is in conclusion to Solomon rapping (the whole book of Ecclesiastes is like a rap album from King Solomon to me, it's certified) about how he had it all and none of it brought him happiness. Living it is all we can do men, pursuing righteousness and a deeper understanding of our Lord. Nothing on this earth can bring you what you're looking for! That's truth.


waino said...

i love king solomons wisdom. he is one guy who absolutely fascinates me in the Bible. Good word dude...

Tyler Parker said...

Great post. Solomon is the wisest person that every lived. Hands down. With regards to the 7 deadly sins, I would steer clear of that one. The origin of them come from a 4th century monk who had 8 sins. Then Pope Gregory broke it down into the 7 deadly sins that are famous today. It is from the catholic church, which likes to add books to the bible and make some sins more important than other sins. I am not about to get into all my catholic church stuff, but just a heads up.

Tanner said...

Jules, great work. And, yes, I got pride at the top of the list of all sin. Pride is at the very essence of every sin. It was pride that brought down Lucifer out of God's presence. Pride immediately takes our eyes off Christ and back onto ourselves. Great work.
