Monday, May 11, 2009

A Reversal...

With any science, the more knowledge you obtain the less there is to know about that science. For example, as a student goes through medical school, he will daily grow in his knowledge of how the body works and operates. By the time he graduates, he knows ALOT about the body. As this doctor begins his practice he will come across both, things he learned from books, and things that can only be experienced by seeing real patients. Eventually, this doctor will get to the point that nothing out there surprises him. As far as his field goes, he's an expert. There is very little that he doesn't know. When he gets to this point (not in every doctor, but many), he begins to walk in arrogance and puff up in pride. The more he knows, the more he learns...the less there is to know and learn. Why??? Because with academics (any of them...not just the medical field) there is a point at which you struggle to see new things and learn new stuff.

However, when someone really explores the Bible and seeks to know who God is more get the opposite effect (or, at least, you should). Why??? Because our faith isn't a category of academia. Everything we learn isn't by learned by our own determination or is only learned because God chose to reveal himself to us in that way. It is only understood because He allowed us to understand it. That our faith isn't achieved by our own power that we may not boast in it, rather, it is a GIFT that we are to receive humbly. This pursuit of holiness is not compatible with pride and arrogance.

It is a reversal in concept from academia. I can study economics and will my way to learn it...when I do, I can take pride in the fact that I've done something. When I study scripture...the more I know God, the more I realize how much I don't know, thus, realizing how much I truly need Him.

No subject of contemplation will humble the mind more than the thoughts of God...


Jules said...

Nolan nice message buddy I'm feeling it right down to the core. It's amazing how inexhaustible our God truly is. The bible always can present your spirit with something new.

TEvans said...

I wonder how much of our God-created brain we actually use here on this fallen earth?
