Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunday Bread - What is Evangelism?

What does it mean for us to do evangelism? Are there certain words we have to say? Is there a certan method we have to use, like The Romans Road Evangelism Method (this method uses all Scriptures from Romans to share the Gospel).

One of you might say, "I don't have the gift of evangelism, so I just try to live like Christ, and maybe someone will be saved by watching my life." Is this a legitimate way for people to be saved? How do we share the Good News?

Here is what I believe is true: there is no Biblical method to share the Gospel and just living a godly life will not save anyone either. Paul, in Romans, says that faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of Christ. It is not through some slick technique that our buddy will be saved, but through hearng the word of God proclaimed. Our whole faith is centered on a Book! A text, written words translated into our language. It is through these inspired words that salvation comes to the lost. Your heart-warming testimony alone, will save no one. Your ability to persuade will save no one. Your great personality will save no one.

Only God can save. Only God can make a spiritually dead person come to life. How does He do it? Through his mouthpieces. Who are they? You and me. Our only mandate is to proclaim the Goods News of Jesus' death for our sins, burial and resurrection.

Take comfort in the truth that it has nothing to do with whether you are extraverted or intraverted. Or nothing to do with how well you think you know your Bible. It has to do with obedience and courage alone. Are you obedient? Are you courageous? Then go be a fool for Christ and give people the living water, the heavenly bread that will bring life to their souls.



Tanner said...

D-Script is slowly but surely (don't call me Shirley) becoming my favorite speaker. Right on once again. We are called to spread the Good News through words not merely the way we live our lives. It is true that actions can sometimes speak louder than words but that should never be our excuse for silence. Our actions have always been meant to compliment our words. Just as our obedience is evidence of our true transformation and salvation so shall our actions be used to back up our words rather than constantly replacing them.

When sharing the Good News lets remember that there is no particular formula that must be used that equals salvation. We are called "to proclaim the Good News of Jesus' death for our sins, burial and resurrection". No particular strategy or formula is going to save anyone. Only Jesus Christ and the saving power of His Good News is going to bring salvation.

Also, one quick note of encouragement. DO NOT EVER WATER DOWN THE GOOD NEWS IN ORDER TO CREATE THE SENSE OF EASY BELIEVISM. Christ called us to make DISCIPLES of all nations, not just simply believers.

Thanks Durham,


Tyler Durham said...

That is absolutely true, but how tempting it is (for me at least) to try and smooth the edges of the Gospel. We wouldn't want it to be hard to swallow. We must present a Gospel that requires the person to count the cost.

Tyler Parker said...


This topic has been brought up so much. It shows me how much this group has grown, and how much more we still have to go. This seems to be on all our minds, as we are spending more time in our bibles. As Nolan and I posted that day, the more we know the harder it is on us when we miss opportunities. I think many of us are convicted on how we have presented the Word when talking to people, or the fact that we just clammed up and said nothing when given a chance to shine.
Like Terry said it is a collaboration of actions and words and we all have different gifts that we need to call on when we get chances. I can think of a few times in the last couple weeks where I have said nothing when I could have and it makes me so mad at myself.
"Christ called us to make DISCIPLES of all nations". Disciples is a big word. It is not the christianity lite, but hard discipline that gets you in the narrow path to salvation