Thursday, October 1, 2009

21 Grams

This post came to me from about 4 different things that I have experienced in the past week. Some from church on Sunday, some from a tragedy that happened to a college roommate of mine in the past week, and some from just looking around online and in the bible thinking of what I would post this week.

I was reading online about the mysteries of the brain, and how so much of the human brain is undiscovered. Medical science has made so many strides in neurology, but so much is still unknown. The origin of dreams, conscience, and memories were what really stuck with me. All this brought me to my point of this post. What separates the brain from the mind from the soul? Where does the brain end and the mind begin? How do we define the mind? The short answer is that we can't. There are so many things in the bible that we can't explain, and in life in general.

One study that I have seen in the past is one of Dr. MacDougal in 1907. He was looking into the afterlife and came across the study of the spirit or soul having physical mass. He had a study that was made famous with his first patient losing 21 grams of weight immediately after he passed. The subject was on an industrial sized gurney, so the passing of the bowels who not change the weight nor the lose of air out of the lungs. He did this test with many other subjects with different weight lose everytime. This has no biblical backing, but it was very interesting to me. The human body loses around 21 grams of weight as soon as life exits the physical body. Can this be explained? Is it the soul ascending into heaven or descending into hell? Perhaps, the most interesting part of his study is that he did this test on 15 dogs as well. In all 15 cases of the dogs, there was no weight chance at all. A distinct difference from the humans. So, not to be cold but All Dogs Might Not Go To Heaven. It might have been the absence of a soul.
The thing I got out of all this was that how hard it is to separate the human brain from the spirit, or soul or mind. Nobody knows how to define the mind. God is so advanced, and I can't wait til I get the chance to pick his "brain" in heaven. We feel this conscience or "little man" or weight on our shoulders all the time. I always talk about the warning signs our soul gives us and how we choose to react to it. This happened to me just yesterday.
Look at 2 Corinthians 1: 12 which states "For our proud confidence is this, the testimony of our conscience" So, what is the testimony of your conscience? Is it chance. The thing to focus on is how we react to it. When you get that warning from your conscience, we are taught in today's world to turn it off. Get over it. Ignore it. Biblically, we are taught to look within and to the heavens for guidance. So my question to you is, how do you react to the warning system in your head. We always have these battles with ourselves where we have to talk ourselves into something. We are flawed, and want worldy things and end up talking ourselves into them. So, if you take a minute and ask yourself truely why you are doing something, then you will get a real answer. It is like Todd said about quieting yourself before prayer. Take a minute and think, why am I buying this car or eating this desert instead of exercising. Do I "need" it? Do I want it to make people envy me? I don't want to hurt the person who cooked it's feelings. I saw a celebrity with it, and I want that wordly status. Maybe. I just want us all to check ourselves when we start having to talk ourselves into things. If it doesn't seem right to you at this point, then it probably isn't worth it.




pavkovich said...

The brain

Facts: There are 100 billion neurons or brain cells in the brain. And each one of those are connected to a few thousand or some say one hundred thousand neurons each...making 100 to 1000 trillion connections in an adult human brain. Thats a big number. The human brain is the most complex thing in the is mathematically impossible for 18,000 genes to control the growth of these connections. Our DNA is simply too limited to map out the wiring diagram for our brain. (some scientists believed that our behavior is controlled by our genes...for example the big uproar a while back about the gay gene and God gene...dead ends for scientist ) What has been found that does control that development is our experiences within the world we live.

In the 70's scientist said that our brain was completely developed by the age of 6, hardwired like a calculator, connections permanent.

In the 80's scientist changed their minds and said that changes in the brain can happen all the way into teenage years.

In the last few years studies have show without any doubt through MRI's and other scans the brain continues to change throughout our entire lives.

What determines these changes, what causes the way our brain is shaped? It has been proven that our brains change simply as a result of where we focus our attention.

"The life we lead will leave its mark in the form of enduring changes in the complex circuitry of the brain, footprints of the experiences we've had, the actions we've taken."


Psalm 119:9-10 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
(putting the Word into practice day by day)

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (hunger and thirst---focused attention!)

Colossians 3:1-2 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts* on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

(*your hearts---your passion, devotion,and priority...set them on things above)

Salvation, victory in Christ, forgiveness, love for others, spiritual gifts, church community, spiritual growth...focus on these things and not on earthly things.
Self is #1, fear, success, anger, ambition, fame, lust, that where we focus our attention?

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.

WHY? because where we put our focus determines what we will eventually become in this life.
God speaks to us mind to mind. As we faithfully follow his guidance we can change our brains to better think God's way...the more we focus on Him the more efficiently and effectively we can understand and think His way.

As our minds begin to focus on the thoughts, values, and the actions of Christ, it changes the very shape, form, function, and wiring of 1000 trillion neurons. Sick

*WIlliam Yount spent a lot of time in this subject, thats where I pulled most of the facts from.

Anonymous said...

Good post Park. I often find myself trying to justify worldly purchases. The holy Spirit will always speak to us in that time of temptation. Sometimes God I think just wants us to shut up and listen!

Jules said...

Pav, will you be my lab partner? That was awesome. Parker your post was heavy and I would love to sit on your porch and have a chat with you about anything. How guilty are we all of wanting things because Michael Jordan has them, advertises them or even talks about them. Jesus Christ can hit a curveball and Michael couldn't so I need to get my worship straight. haha