Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Aiming To Please

Galatians 1:10 "For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ."

So many times in my life I find myself motivated to fit in and please my peers all the while tucking my faith in my pocket and hiding it so I don't stand out as being different (or a dork). I have found myself so worried about being dorky that I do things that I wouldn't normally do just to persuade people to like me. I never thought that God might be offended by these actions (being that I am denying my relationship with Him by compromising my faith), I never thought about His feelings. Pretty selfish, but more importantly stupid! Who are aiming to please with our lives, God or men? Chew on this nugget for a minute.

P.S. Sorry for creeping into Wednesday, there was a miscommunication on my behalf. Be blessed!


Tanner said...

On the whole idea of "being dorky" or that weird Jesus freak christian guy, I am going to reference my last post .

Somehow we as believers have developed this idea of big sins and little sins and we seem to think that God is only concerned with the ones we label as the big sins. So God is happy with me because I don't drink but the fact that I am embarrassed of Him doesn't bother Him? Or God is happy with me because I don't curse but the fact that I am lazy in my pursuit of Him doesn't bother Him? No, it doesn't work that way and John makes it crystal clear that if anyone says that they do not sin..... they are DECEIVED and they make God out to be a LIAR. So examine yourself and ask yourself..... Am I a church going, morally upright liar who needs to repent?

So everyone (including myself), stop trying to fit in!..... We are called to stand out!..... We are called to be light in a world of darkness!..... We are a city on top of a hill!..... We are the lamp on the bedside table!..... Shout from the roof tops and Proclaim your King!


*That was me pretty much speaking to myself but I hope it encouraged you as well.

Tyler Durham said...

Definitely an encouragement Terry. Jules, this is one of my biggest battles. It is encouraging to know there is a fellow warrior who is fighting against the desire to please man, instead of God.

Tyler Parker said...

Again, an add on of what Durham just posted. This topic is not going away any time soon. Jules, that Galatians scrip needs to go on your notecard to put in your shower. Good one to feed on before you head out for the day.
One last thing that goes with this. I was listening to an interview last night on the radio as I drove home from the airport. It was a sports radio interview with Bobby Bowden. He has, obviously, been taking big heat lately with the board trying to get him out of there and saying his time is up, etc. At the end the question was asked, "With your career winding down at FSU, how do you want to be remembered?" Without missing a beat Bowden replied, "I want to be known as a man who served God first in everything I did. I can't think of anything worse than wasting your life when it comes to that" Hello!! I had no idea about Bowden's faith, but it pepped me up. I was tired, had a long week. Didn't do so well on my sales calls. My clothes were still wet from cold calling in the rain in St. Louis. Suddenly, I was back in perspective. As soon as I got home and got my daughter to bed, I through open the laptop and did my post for the week. Before that interview, I was having the talk with myself to talk myself out of posting on my day. "Just post in the morning", "don't worry about it", "you're tired, do it later". I glad I won that battle with myself.

Thanks Jules and Bowden