Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Re-Introducing Jesus Christ

This poem is well worth 7 minutes out of your day. I encourage you to wait until you have 7 quiet, uninterrupted minutes before you open this. This girl spits some serious in your face truth that we need to meditate on and use to evaluate our own lives.


Jules said...

Unbelievable... that's all I got.

pavkovich said...

strong to quite strong...ha, it was awesome. I looked around and she has some other videos posted which are just as good. check'em out

B. Free said...


Jules said...

Too many people preach and talk about a Jesus who is coming with out the sword, thats false teaching. Jesus is bringing the sword, no doubt about that. Somebody please call me so we can talk about this girls skill (650)207-7914. Anybody....