Friday, October 23, 2009

More Evolution Ammo (and how to use it)

I am posting this morning, as opposed to yesterday due to Terry tossing up a post and I wanted people to have time to read his last two. I forget who posts on Fridays, but I apologize for day jumping. Won't happen again.
After being "called out" or asked for more ammo on Creation and Noah by a few members I thought I would comply, but first....I wanted everyone to remember how to use this. I saw something Terry wrote on some social media site asking "what do you base your beliefs on?" I think this is a huge question to ask people. And if you can ask it in a calm, non-intrusive manner to start a dialog it is great. Next time you get in a discussion on evolution or after life or belief in anything. Ask them where they got their facts from. You will be amazed at the answers you get. Why do people have more faith in a high school geography book than the bible? Is it the pictures? I mean I like pictures too but come on. I'll get you a kid's bible with some Jesus pics in there. Although, most pics I have seen of Jesus have him with pale skin and sometimes blue eyes. I think we can all agree that Jesus probably looked more like Bin Laden than Zack Morris. ANYWAYS....People almost are surprised themselves at where they hold onto their viewpoints.

A couple science topics that I find interesting to help you hold your views or talk with people:

The earth’s magnetic field strength is decreasing at
such a high rate that only 20,000 years ago the magnetic
field would have been so much greater than it is
today, that the earth’s crust would have melted. So, if I believe the earth is millions or billions of years old then did the magnetic field slow down or start over? That would be amazing. But the magnetic field has, in fact, weakened seven percent in the last 150 years (calculate that out and that is a decrease of 100% over the last 1,400 years). Something you will find in a college physics professor's text book are the laws of thermodynamics. The second one states that all physical systems naturally deteriorate to total randomness. Some examples: people get old and die, mountains erode, metals corrode, and....magnets lose their magnetism.

As I am writing this, I want to take it somewhere else. If you did not know, Ben Julianel is now a father!! In light of that, lets think about the miracle of life. IT is a literal miracle. I am just thinking about the laws of thermodynamics and physical systems. People are physical and get tired, and eventually die. Let's rewind that tape and look at the beginning of life. For those of us who have kids, we all remember the day when you go in for your first 12 week appt and they are checking for what.....? A heart beat! What an amazing sound that is, let me tell you. So, my question to you is what started that heart beat? It is a mass of cells, splitting and splitting and getting more complex and then all of a sudden lightning strikes and an organ begins to beat. That is one of the most amazing things on this planet that I can think of and it happens thousands of times a day. How many times a day does God begin a heart beat? Ever think of asking someone in a discussion what starts the beating of a baby's heart? An evolution believer will tell you that it all started with simplistic organisms and "evolved" into complex organs and systems, but they can't tell you what made that first heart start to beat in the first mutation of complex animal. That's because that didn't happen. God breaths life into man literally and spiritually, and we need to focus on that everyday.

God thank you for the beats of my heart and the air in my lungs as I talk about You with fellow believers in this strong group. Please keep my heart strong in times of sorrow, and keep it pumping in times of great joy. I know I was all over the place in this post, but I think that is a good way to go sometimes on here.



1 comment:

waino said...

sensei....i thirst for more knowledge. please make your next 30 posts about apologetics/anti-evolution/thermodynamics......make it happen