Following the leader can of course mean to follow Jesus but in this instance I (a writer on this blog) am just following the previous post that shook my world. TD wrote about the theology of Glory and the theology of the Cross. I felt that there was a foundational piece that was layed that needs more mention. That foundation is the idea of mans total depravity or our condition of moral debasement (we're just not inherantly good people).
We sinners can't do anything to gain eternity, we are as filthy rags (Isaiah), our hearts are desperately wicked (Jeremiah), and we always fall short even on our best day (John Bunyan, christian contributor).
John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him,..."
We don't save ourselves by a choice (I used to believe that we chose), we are or have been elected, God called our name, it wasn't anything we did. There are so many scriptures that speak to this, download Johnny Mac's (John MacArthur) podcast "The sinner neither willing or able" to get the scriptures. It is clear as day.
The problem is that many churches and organizations are bent on numbers, "How many did you save", this is missing the point. We don't save anybody, at the root of all our efforts tends to be a self-glorifing motivation that God see's right through. Yet He still loves us and saved us in Jesus Christ. We can only hope that our loved ones who aren't saved will see the light (God) shine in our lives and desire to know the truth. Praying that God calls them in for a huddle to elect them to learn the playbook and receive a championship invitation. We all need to check ourselves when we feel that work motivated mentality start to creep, it's not going to get it done only the Savior can close down games and get saves, not us.
My pride often wants to "save" people. I hate my flesh... Who am I? Wash peoples feet and let Christ do work.
man, I hear ya on the church side. I hear it all the time when a group comes back from a mission trip. "5,000 people came to know Christ". Tough thing to document and claim.
The sinner is neither willing or able....ouch. Great point.
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