Thursday, September 24, 2009

Watered Down Gospel Misses The Mark

If I were Tyler Parker this is what I think he would write today:

Jeremiah 2:30 "In vain I have chastened your children; they received no correction. Your sword has devoured your prophets like a destroying lion."
Proverbs 3:11 "My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest His correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights."

Sure, we love to go to church and get empowered to be world beaters with the "prosperity gospel", it feels great to get encouraged that we can have what we want in this life because God wants to give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4 that's why Durham used to wear #37, haha). Joel Osteen ("If you name it you can claim it") and some of these other popular pastors are great at encouraging the masses but they are doing us a great disservice by not preaching about correction/sin. When we come to the Lord we are all spiritual infants, our foundation is a slab of wet concrete designed for one room at best. We need to be taught, we need to grow, we need to understand sin. Without ever coming face to face with how ugly our sin is we will never fully understand the work of the Savior and His grace. I think it is His grace that makes Him most attractive, this dude forgives everyone, He accepts anyone with 1 easy to obtain prerequisite (faith in Him), anybody can get a seat at His table just accept the free gift. However it really isn't that easy for if it was everyone would be doing it. One of the reasons it isn't that easy is because none of us want to see how ugly we really are, nobody likes to have their lifestyle corrected and told it is wrong.
It makes so much sense, we're children, look at the way children need to be corrected, they hate it. Could you imagine what the world or your child would be like if you let them figure life out for themselves? No correction, no loving advise, no rights and wrongs, lying, taking whatever they want, it would be awful. The funny thing is, that is what is happening all around the states with these church goers who never get sin and correction preached to them. It's scary! Many of us have our own private sins that we like to keep in the closet and let them stack up thinking that they're not hurting anyone, but that is a lie. We also have friends and friendships that have conversation that just floats on the surface all the while we know that they have sin in their life that needs to be rebuked (receive correction). Let's admit, we're scared, we want to keep it fluffy and light, "I don't want them to get mad at me, whaaaah." I'm as guilty as any on both accounts but hear this.
Proverbs 29:1 "He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy."
This is saying that people need to be corrected and if they choose to be a meatneck about the correction they receive then their not going to make it, no ticket to the greatest show ever, they're up and out!
We all need correction and God uses many different types of people to do it, often pastors and friends. Let's stay open to instruction and correction knowing that it will make us better, sharper vessels for our Heavenly Father who wants to use us for His great purpose.


B. Free said...

Thanks for the post.
There is a power to verbally confessing the dirt we have done. It hurts to spit it out. If someone confesses to me I always like to ask detailed questions, not because I care about the dirt, but because it illustrates the exact heart behind the sin. When I am confessing I also need others to ask me questions about why? and what caused it?
It is way too easy to just say "Cool, you should not do that again." Let's deal withour hearts. If it's something like watching porn, then what did we do rught before it? Did we pray when we were struggling? Did we call anybody to get open? Or did we say "Forget it, I am gonna do what I want to do."
Appreciate the pinch hit-

Tyler Parker said...

thanks for the pinch hit. Had a hotel room melt down. No wireless and no lobby love as far as internet. Jules picked me up.

Great post. I couldn't have put it better myself

I just wanted to make sure ya'll knew I was thinking of e-fellowship the whole time I was down. Let's get that clear before Terry starts calling me out for the next week straight. I'm still on board, chumpstyles

Nolan Gottlieb said...

Awesome post...

I wanted to add something to B. Free's comment, which was on the money...

Confession in only productive if it's followed by repentance...Confession by itself isn't worth much.

Good work gents...

Tyler Durham said...

Solid post my friend. The greater the awareness of our sin, the greater appreciation for our Savior. Why can't I get that through my thick skull!?