Quick Bio:
Lee Taylor Walker.
27 years old.
Married 2 and half years.
University of Memphis Tennis Coach
Life Before Christ:
I found my identity, value and purpose in:
-being a good, nice church going boy- admiration
-being a good athlete, accomplishments
-girls- pleasure
-partying- pleasure
-people pleasing
-cycling through these things time and time again
-I found as Solomon found in Ecclesiastes 1 and 2- that these things were All Vanity- All Meaningless
How I met Christ:
-Hit depression in college when I was junior in college
-Players I had grown up competing against were top 20 in the world and I was mere mid-line-up college player
-Partying had lost its fun
-I was lost and purposeless
-Started searching and attending church because nothing else was working
-I was convicted after a message I heard- The Gospel Had Penetrated My Hard Heart and God's Grace Gave My Sinful Heart a Perfect Transplant.
Life after Christ and now:
-A mission trip shortly afterwards and a supernatural act of God surrounding me with Godly men and women confirmed that the Holy Spirit was at work
-For the first time ever- Jesus was All my Hope and Peace and I felt the meaning of His blood on the cross. Amazing Grace
-For the first time- I was running into church and bible studies and craving the Word
-Struggled for the first few years of a good works mind-set by being overly involved in spiritual activity- bible studies, church, seminars, prayer groups, etc. These things were good but soon became things I did because that's what Christians are supposed to do- instead of being purely motivated by the Gospel.
-Met a guy 4 years ago that spoke at one of FCA meetings. He had something I wanted. He was different than all the other Christians. He seemed to get it.
-I began to meet with this man many times throughout the week- In Christianese- he began to disciple me- teach me, model for me, and equip me to what it meant to be a follower of Christ and Godly man.
-Now I'm trying to take these tools and by the power of the Holy Spirit- love and serve and witness and disciple those around me.
-God has and is opening doors for me and my wife to witness and disciple the tennis teams here at Memphis. In the past 4 years- 3 players have given their lives to Christ and 10 have been involved in bible studies.
-My biggest battle in my pursuit of holiness for the glory of Gos is finding alone time with God in solitude in order to walk more closely with HIM.
-Everything else is meaningless.
My Prayer:
-That though I plan the route for me and my wife, Christ would direct my paths.
Thanks for the call out Terry. Miss you and Tanner and hope to see ya soon.
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