"Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him." - John 14:21
You know I have asked myself at times if I really love Jesus. I mean, how do you know? Is it a warm fuzzy feeling when you think of Him? Is it praying to Him a certain amount of times a day? Does it operate the same way you love your siblings? How do you really know if you love Him when you can't even see Him?
The answer is really not that difficult. If you have repented of your sins, believed on the Lord Jesus for your salvation, put your trust fully in Him, and seek, with all your heart to keep the commandments of Jesus, (summed up in "love God" and "love your neighbor as yourself") then you will love Him. When I say it is not that difficult, I don't mean obedience is a "cake walk," I mean that it is not some complex system of things that you must do. To put it simply, if Jesus is truly your King, then you will obey Him. You will find out from the Scriptures what He requires of you and you will do it. Perfectly? No, but your desire above all things will be to please and glorify the One who "became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God." (2 Cor 5:21) Those of us who had a great relationship with our fathers know that there is a desire to obey them. Why, because you love them, and when you love somebody you desire to obey them.
The glorious promise that Jesus gives is that for those who do love Him, and evidence that love in obedience, will be loved by Him and the Father, and He will "manifest Himself to them." Isn't that what we all are desiring? A fresh manifestation of Jesus Christ in our lives. To experience His love and grace. To sense His presence in an amazing way.
Meditate on the great truths of the Gospel and let His life, death, and resurrection motivate you to live a life of obedience to Him.
Well said. If Jesus is our King then we shall serve and obey Him. Will we mess up from time to time? Of course, but a quick gut check is how do you feel or react when you mess up? Is there godly sorrow? Do you attempt to hide or do you run to the feet of the One you have wronged and seek reconciliation? Great work D-Script.
HEEEEEEAAAAAAT. That simple approach is what I need to remind myself of daily. Cherish Jesus and be obedient.
You're style is growing on me fast. Really starting to look forward to this. Seminary has got you laced up with knowledge.
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