Mark 15:2 "Then Pilate asked Him, "Are You the King of the Jews?" He answered and said to him, "It is as you say."
Mark 15:15 "So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas to them, and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him, to be crucified."
Here are some lyrics (below) from a song that hit me hard the other day. This song is one that has been in rotation for me on and off for three years and still it hits me with something new periodically, that is one of many things secular music can't offer me (praise God for music). Skipping forward to the enlarged section, this artist describes different characters role and actions during the crucifixion of Jesus. How crazy it is to me that most of us have put a couple of these faces on at one time or another. The one that pierced my spirit was the bolded one about Pilate. That was me, going with the flow, wanting to please the crowd, not knowing what I believed in but just doing what everybody else was doing, like sheeps to the slaughter. It could have been so much worse for me.
Verse 2
This story starts at the climax, we find that time’s lapsed- don’t mind that
It’s kind of like a night cap filled with divine acts
We zoom in the lens on Christ's agony in the garden
Doomed for His friends- it had to be for the pardon
And delivery from misery of kids who speak wickedly
Sinfully, inwardly slick with the iniquity
We see disciples sleep and mock today with a lot to say
But we do the same thing when we don’t watch and pray
Like Judas, we sell Christ out to get the treasure
Whether it’s the cheddar or forbidden pleasure
Like the chief priests, we want Christ to surrender
But we want Him out the way when He doesn’t fit our agenda
Like Peter, we have misplaced, fleshly confidence
But we’ll deny the Lord when faced with deadly consequence
Like Herod, we’re curious about Christ because He’s famous
But we quickly get bored with Him when He doesn’t entertain us
Like Pilate, we see Christ and find nothing wrong with Him
But when the world chooses the wicked, we go right along with them
Despite His kindness, we seek to do our Maker violence
The fallenness of humanity at its finest
So now He stands before the crowd doomed to die
An angry mob who’s yelling out “crucify”
The way they treat the Lord of glory is debased and it’s foul
But you miss the point if you don’t see your face in the crowd
The people had a choice whether to choose the most wicked child rapest in the city or choose the miracle worker who claimed to be Diety. Pilate knew they were making a bad choice but he let them do it anyway because he was a conformist, he was weak and scared. Point is most people have nothing bad to say about Jesus and if they do they can be proven wrong very quickly/effortlessly (not that it even matters). So it becomes a decision of accepting or rejecting Jesus's style, He either was who He said He was or He is a liar or lunitic. We can't be in between; as much as are flesh wants to stay on the fence it makes no strategic sense to stay there. In fact standing on the fence is like saying I'm too scared to fight so I'm gonna sit this one out. For the record I'm not a tough guy but I'm not going to sit this one out, there is too much at stake. We can't waste anymore time we have to pick a side, if you haven't chosen a side then do some research so you can make a decision (and continue to armour yourself with evidence to support your beliefs), but don't think that you can take your sweet time. All the Angels players in this group no a little about that, Nick Adenhart's situation has to hit close to home with us like it does/did for them. You never know when your number is going to get called. Let's make a choice so we know where we'll spend eternity. Hope this was worth your minutes.
1 comment:
Those lyrics are powerful. I've been out of the rap game for quite some time now but I thoroughly enjoyed that post. Thanks for the reminder on getting off the fence. Much needed. A few questions to ask ourselves,
What's different about me when I'm compared to those around me?
What does my lifestyle look like compared to those with similar incomes as me?
What are my conversations like in the locker room compared to other conversations that might be going on and how do I react to those conversations?
Just like to keep us thinking and applying,
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