what's up studs,
This last week I was sitting in my room talking with my wife right before we went to bed. This, by the way, is happening alot now that we are finding time to be with the Lord just as we get into our bed. We have grown together ever since our fast...thats beside the point and not what im writing about. Back to biz. While talking, my wife asked me..."why doesnt God just kill Satan right now." Heres what i make of it. The title of my article is "TOO MUCH CRED". Standing of course for too much credit. Who's getting too much cred? Satan...that's who. Heres what i mean. I want you to think about this with me. When something bad happens i know my first thought is "man, satan is wretched...he's rampant on the earth and screwing up everything." And he is, don't get me wrong, but...satan is not the main problem. The main problem is us. We as sinners are the reason for most of everything that goes wrong. Mans own evil desires are disgusting, and i get sick of having to ask for forgiveness so often myself. Satans 1000 year prison sentence in the abyss is a sign of that. Revelation 20:1-10:1And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. So,let me ask you this. if Satan is the reason for all that is bad in the world then during those thousand years the world should have turned into a Garden of Eden. it would have been like Heaven on Earth. Did it? Heck no. people were still running around like a buncha idiots. some people are swayed by Satan but most are just giving in to their internal evilness. Heres the good news. We as Christians are given power over that inferior being called Satan. He has no power over us at all. When we signed on to play for the Team of Jesus Christ we washed our hands of that puke. Its the rest of the world that is in trouble. He is a master deceiver and his day will come. He will try to interfere with our lives and mess things up as much as possible but he cant touch us if we got Jesus Christ watchin our back. Clean it up human race...we are not worthy of His grace. THANK GOD FOR GOD.
One quick question before I respond. Are you saying that this 1000 year holding of Satan in the abyss has already happened?
Let me know, thanks
Notice that it only takes an unnamed angel to detain Satan, that proves that there is none like Him (God). God is the greatest and nobody is worthy to oppose Him. It is true that we are the problem (like Adam said)and it is because God is love and love demands a choice. However we too often are enablers to the dude with the horns dressed in red and black (my own made up image of that guy). I don't want to give that guy credit anymore he isn't even worthy to oppose my God.
tyler, i am of the belief that it has not happened yet because in scripture it tells us that we will know when it happens and wont have to ask anybody(2thessalonians 2). there are, however, people who do believe that it has happened. RC Sproll believes it happened in 70 AD. as does randy pope of atlanta. but, most biblical scholars will tell you that it hasn't happened yet. heres a quick fun fact...70% of Christians don't believe there will be a rapture. wow...how can that be?
because too many times we want to pick and choose what we believe and what we dont...when the only way to believe is how scripture tells us.
ya, waino. I'm with you on this one. And I love your point about picking and choosing what we want to believe. I get into big discussions on this when i talk about the literal interpretation of the 7 day creation. If we pick and choose what works for us then why do we take it literally that Jesus rose from the dead in 3 (24 hour) days, but didn't create the earth in 6 (24 hour) days. Even though it is the same hebrew word used for both.
Also, when the law of the Sabbath was laid out in Exodus God said that on the 7th day everyone was to rest on the Sabbath just as God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Now if he wasn't talking about a literal 7 (24 hr.) days then how come the Israelites took it literal and kept the Sabbath on the 7th day each week? If the 7 days in the Creation account were not meant to be literal (24 hr.) days then why would God relate keeping the Sabbath each week with His Creation week? We are to always use scripture to explain scripture. That's just another beautiful thing about the flow of God's Word. If you come across something you don't understand then keep reading. Ha. Thank you Jesus for the things revealed.
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