Perverting the Gospel
Galatians 1:7 "...but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ."
The word pervert has such a negative connotation and to think that Paul used it in his letter to the Galatians in the first chapter says something. There are many ways that people pervert the gospel, it happens all the time, sadly it can come from various outlets. Family, friends, pastors, television, government, co-workers, employers, and it might even be you. The principalities and powers (Romans 8:38-39) that are talked about in Romans 8th chapter are deployed by the devil so that he can use one of his best weapons, the same weapon he used in Genesis to finalize the "fall of man". That weapon is turning black and white into gray. My bretheren there can be NO gray in our lives, we have to stomp it out and keep the black (sin/ Satan) on one side and the white (purity/ Jesus) on our side. Sure, gray is going to happen (more than likely during convo)but on those instances we have to fall back from legalism and step into love. If we don't have scripture that answers or supports our ideas than we can't act like we have the answer; being overcome with pride. We have to point things back to what we know (stick to what you know) and we know that Christ died and is risen and no doubt His word is living water and He is coming back. The biggest fault you/me can make today is to think that we aren't important, to think that we aren't a disciple of Jesus Christ our most high God (being that Jesus was God in the flesh). We are top notch prospects and it sounds a little like Stewart Smalley but "we are special" and it is ever so real, this group is powerful. We are still in our training phase I can't wait till God calls us to be deployed as a unit. Pray for that day, serving Him is the only thing that matters. Don't let lukewarm believers and non-believers put out your fire with some secular jargon about "If there was a loving God how come". We know He is real because of how we have felt after reading a scripture/post that speaks to your spirit. Let's continue to grow from drinking milk to eating meat, from crawling to walking, and from doubting to believing. If we have questions about things or doubts lets throw them out on the table and fellowship over them.
Father- forgive us for doubting You, forgive us for being sinfully foul one day and by Your side the next. Love us, fill us up with Your grace and mercy so that we can pour out on this world. Bless us with strength and health to use for Your glory, and shield us with Your word of truth. Amen
P.S. ERA's, batting AVG's, Salaries, and Sales etc... only last one year saving souls lasts an eternity.
Real talk, we are in Romans and just started chapter 8 in Church. Unreal! Chapter 8 answers the first 7 chapters. Great post brethren.
I think another good thing to add to this is that it is ok to say, "I don't know". We are not Jesus and do not have the perfect answer to all the questions. People can real BS on your face, and nothing can ruin your witness faster. Sometimes God might put a non-believer in front of us with an impossible question simply to make us go back to our house and dig through the bible for the answer. Keeping us in the Word.
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