Monday, February 16, 2009

8 reasons to memorize scripture

1) Memorizing scripture makes meditation possible at times when you can't be reading the bible and meditation is the pathway into deeper understanding.
2) Memorizing scripture strengthens my faith because faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of god and that happens when I'm hearing the word in my head.
3) Memorizing scripture shapes the way I view the world by conforming my mind to God's point of view.
4) Memorizing scripture makes God's word more readily accessible in overcoming temptation to sin because God's warnings and promises are the way we conquer the lies of the devil.
5) Memorizing scripture enables me to hit the devil in the face with a force he cannot resist to protect my self and my family from his assault. 
*What are you hitting Satan with!? How anyone walks through this devil ruled world without a sword in there hand in beyond me!
6) Memorizing scripture guards my mind making it easier for me to detect error and the world is filled with error because the god of this world is a liar
7) Memorizing scripture provides the strongest and sweetest words for ministering to others in need.
8) Memorizing scripture provides the matrix for fellowship with Jesus because he talks to me here (the bible) and nowhere else.

Watched this video on John Piper and bit this whole post. This really hit home for me and makes me want to battle for the kingdom of God. Praise Em'!



B. Free said...

Good stuff Fam. I ahve not been doing well in this area. I wrote out psalm 18 verse by verse on index cards and never memorized it! what a waste. Another exercise that helps me is writing down the 10 most impacting scrips off the top of the dome I would share with a lost sould to communicate Jesus Christ to them.

Lindsay said...

Great post...def need to start developing that habit. There's nothing like when someone drops something straight from the bible on ya

Nolan Gottlieb said...

That's big time stuff right there...