Sunday, February 8, 2009

History lesson....literally

Some might not even click on this link because we are so bored when we hear the word "history" due to our government schooling of the subject that was anything but riveting.  However, we as Christians are quite obsessed with history.  All we do when reading the bible is doing constant history lessons.  One thing that is hard to comprehend is that God created history.  He stepped out of eternity to "start time".  That blows my mind, since our whole life revolves around either looking forward or backward based on the idea of the clock ticking.  God started that clock, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit at His side.  Tough, tough, tough to wrap your skull around that moment.

What does History mean to us as Christians?

Since our Revelations study we have been arguing about the future, so I thought we could get at in  with regards to the past, ha.  We, as christians, have a very linear view of history.  We do not see it in cycles.  This is actually vital to our way of believing.  Our line begins with Creation, hits it's peak with Christ on the cross, and will consummate at Christ's second coming at the end.  Why do we see the crucifixion as the pinnacle of history?  One pastor stated it like this, "The cross is the 'core of the gospel'.  Its bottom  line is sobering; if the account is true, it is history's hinge.  Period.  If not, it is history's hoax."
In other words, without that "hinge",  what are we waiting for?  Humans would still be helplessly and hopelessly dead in trespasses and sins.  How bout this scrip in Galatians 4:4a "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son".  The line from Creation to final judgement centers on Christ.  Christ was the climax of history.  We are in the homestretch kids.  Time to kick it out, kick it up a notch, get it in gear.  The finish line is in sight.  How much better do you feel when you are running and pushing and dying, and then you hear that last lap call?  You get energy out of nowhere that you didn't know you had.  That is what we have as Christians.  We know there is an end game, and the goal is in sight.  We are not lost, aimlessly milling around.  
Knowing that Jesus will return in the future surely encourages all true believers in the present (1 Thess 4:18)




Tyler Durham said...

That is solid stuff! Christ-centered is what this group should be. You said it well.

Tanner said...

I second that. Christ is the center of the universe and should always be the body in which we orbit. I read this post yesterday and was actually lost on the words in which to make a comment. Christ is everything. Christ is the purpose. Christ is the plan. Whether you are a believer or not, you measure your time based on the appearance of Christ in this world (BC/AD). Without Christ everything is absent of meaning and definition. Christ is the supplier of all things and receives nothing that is not already His. Christ is above all understanding but can be known. Christ expands beyond all dimensions, space, and time but humbly visited our dimension, space, and time. Christ has taken nothing and has given everything. Christ is Lord, Savior, and King and PRAISE HIM for opening up His Kingdom to the unworthy! Christ is love and I love Christ. Amen.

-TEvans said...

Encouraging! Thanks for posting...

Time for a church that lives and makes moves in the FOURTH QUARTER!! MARANATHA!