Saturday, January 17, 2009

saturday morning buffet

Good mornin fellas. Hope yall had a good week and are getting excited for the message you will hear this Sunday at service. But, before that happens lets go to church real quick on here. We are the body of the church, and we can have fellowship over the internet, at home in bed with a deep conversation or in the Word, or at lunch with a brother in Christ or fence rider. Anywhere there is work being done for the kingdom you are at church. Which brings me to my question this morning...are we really spending enough time "in the word"? For me, the answer is not even close. A few, if that, chapters a day in the bible. Maybe a bible study once a week...that's when i get all self righteous and leave study feeling like i'm Billy Graham. I have hidden your word in my heart, so that i might not sin against You. PSALM 119:11 . Studs we should make it our personal goal to memorize scripture, and get so accustomed to the Word that it becomes second nature for us to spit out scripts. I used to laugh at people who had their kids memorizing stuff and singing songs about Jesus. I remember saying, thatta way...force it on em. But heres the a life that pleases God is the most important thing we can do. Memorizing things like that is absolutely vital for the younger generation of Christians. What if someone said "man that reading stuff is for the birds, and i won't force learning the alphabet on my way". You'd look at that guy like he was nuts. But lets ask ourselves...what's more important...learning to read or learning where your eternal destination is. DUH. You ever talked with someone who will, in the middle of a conversation, drop a "just like in corinthians 3 or that reminds me of john 4? I know i have, and i want to be that guy. We as Christians should live our lives with a joy and we should Work willingly at whatever you do, as if you were working for the Lord rather than people. Colossians 3:23. And even though i failed this test last week when i fussed at yall for not replying we are called to live life without searching for an earthly Mathew 6 it says basically that if we depend on men for a reward that's all we'll get. An earthly thanks...ill take some Jesus please with a side of manna. preciate ya. Lets put the xbox down, and get off our facebook pages and open the Book with all the answers.
just sayin


Jules said...

Psalm 119:11 is nice. I need to memorize that piece.

waino said...

im enjoying my rookie month of scripture memorization...we'll see how far i take it without forgetting. proverbs 3:5-6, mathew 6:33, john 3:16, psalm 119:11 so far this month. doesn't sound like much but im young. how long on this pace do you think it would take to memorize the whole bible?