Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just Do It

Hey, this just came to me so I wanted to bring it up. We started earlier last week to talk about what we can do to reach out to those in need in our communities and now we've moved into more theological debates. Now don't get me wrong here because I'm possibly the biggest fan of anyone here of Biblical wisdom and theological discussions. For that reason alone, I was surprised that this message was laid on my heart so strongly. I strongly feel that I am supposed to right this message to keep us from being distracted. First, I want to say that let's please continue the revelations study because I'm really loving every bit of it. I just want to add to it by continuing to discuss what we each can do to start some kind of e-fellowship ministry. We got so close to getting something started with the sleeping bag idea and the baseball camp idea and talking about Nolan's thing that maybe Satan is glad that our attention got diverted to a theological discussion. Satan would much rather us be hearers and talkers of the Word as opposed to being doers of the Word. So let's keep both topics (Revelations & e-Fellowship Ministry) going side by side. Should we all pick a day and actually carry out the sleeping bag idea on the same day but in our own cities? That might be kinda cool to know that we're all doing the same mission work but in several different cities at the same time? What can we do guys? Let's do something.



Tanner said...

I'm afraid that I didn't emphasize enough how much I like the Revelations discussion. Let's def keep that up. I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer here or convict anyone. I'm just trying to keep us focused on being more than just a discussion group. We are no longer infants who need spiritual milk. It's time we step up and serve some spiritual specialty dishes to others. Ok, I'm done now. Thank you Jesus! I love you guys.


Nolan Gottlieb said...

We better do the sleeping bag deal soon...don't alot of you leave for spring training in like 2 weeks. I like the idea of everyone doing the same thing in each of our cities. We can take a few pics and put them on here along with the stories of the people you gave them to.

When we gonna do it??? I can come to ATL on Feb 9th or 10th...anyone else up for those dates??

Terry...good slogan for the post. Just Do It...did you just come up with that??? That's catchy...you should probably be in marketing.

Jules said...

I am going to do some homework to try and set up a baseball outreach here in SoCal. The date that pops up in my head is Dec 5th (Sat). Everyone who wants to come will be invited, I can make accomodations. I also think it would be a good thing if some of us locked in the date for the PAO convention (Dallas), Brett Carrol and Waino couldn't stop talking about it. They said it is a good marriage builder too. Terry I think your post came across perfect, it was way right.

Nolan Gottlieb said...

Waino, I can come to Savannah too...don't want you to have to go at it alone. I know the streets can be scary by yourself.

Nolan Gottlieb said...

Jules...PAO convention??? Do you have to be married to go?? What is it??

waino said...

unfortunately, i will be leaving here to go to spring this sunday. i'm all in for the s.b.m. (sleepin bag mission) next year. but not sure the homeless number where i live. my dream is to start an indoor hitting, pitching,football, speed training, and mentoring facility in my community. give lessons, clinics, but also teams and people going would know that they are going to receive Gods word after they get done.
ps...i'm not too grown up for spiritual milk though...take that mr.TEvans
pss..anybody needing info on pao send me an email with all your questions and i will answer them. pao has done so much for me that i'm now on the board. and no you don't have to be married.

Tanner said...

I'm heading out to AZ on Feb 12th and I would actually like to do the homeless outreach while I'm out in Phoenix. In Phoenix, there is someone on ever corner so I will have no problem finding a need to meet. Also, I'm going to get with Brian Hummel, the Diamondbacks chapel leader and UPI employee, and see what he thinks we can do out there to meet some needs. Sleeping bags and grocery bags seem to be the most obvious things to hand deliver. So we can still do an e-fellowship outreach even after Spring Training begins. Me and Pavkovich (the guy silently sitting in the corner of e-fellowship) will take Phoenix and I'm confident Nolan and Ty Park will handle Atlanta. That's four people and two cities so far. Let's set a date for the end of Feb which will give us ample time to figure out the exact locations on where to deliver the goods. Blake, use your resource in West Palm (Christ Fellowship) to see what need you can meet because I don't remember to many homeless people on the streets of A1A. The ball has been pushed and looks to be rolling.


Anonymous said...

Might have to head down to the hood mall where I used to blow money daily on meaningless shoes. I'll talk to Tommy Mullins after service for the yearly prayer and ask what we can do. Pags, Waino, and B Carroll are involved with this if they like it or not. Say something!

Lindsay said...

You know I'm down! Love the ideas being bounced around in here. Keep the wisdom flowing

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not rely on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."


Anonymous said...

The city of Tampa will be participating in the SBM fo sho. We will also be kickin off the e-fella tour this summer at Belmont Heights Little League. If anyone that has walked away from the game(or been shoved out) would like to come down to the Sunshine State, lemme know.

If you be ready, you ain't gots to get ready!!!

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Pro 16:3