So, I take that intro into my topic today. Anybody late for church this morning? Anybody not go because something came up? Sleep in? Baby sick? If you did make it to church did you peel out during closing songs or prayers to get out of the parking lot? I know I have done this time after time. I like to blame it on the wifey and the fact that we have a one year old now, but then during research for this post I just started thinking back before then and I would be late because I just couldn't get my sorry self out of bed. How disrespectful is that to our Creator?
Take a look at this scrip 'Matthew 26:40' Then He returned to his disciples and found them sleeping, "could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter. This hitting home with anybody?
Sloth- Aversion to work or exertion; laziness, indolence
It takes effort or exertion to get places on time and show respect. Like Waino talked about teaching our kids, and memorizing texts. What am I teaching my daughter by rolling in on the 3rd song Sunday mornings? This seems small but it is a slippery slope. Tardiness to sloth to deception. We know how quick it can creep up on us. Eye wash for coaches by going through the motions in early work, or by looking busy at your desk when you just minimized a YouTube video of dunk highlights by Henry Bekkering, ha. Anybody take a "ball a day" from the yard for your BP stash in the off season? Hello, kids thats stealing! And we are stealing from our time with God in his house by showing up late or not at all.
Soak up some of these Proverbs:
6:9 - "how long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep"
18:9 - "One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys"
20:13 - "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare"
22: 6 - "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it"
I remember being late for a meeting with my old manager. I was about to say, "ya, sorry I was...(insert excuse)" He stopped me mid sentence by saying, "NO, just be on time" Enough said right there. I know not a happy post on Sunday when everyone is high on Spirit coming out of church, but just FYI for everyone to remember that someone is always watching. Be respectful, be prompt and DO WORK!
Dang good post...I couldn't agree more.
Those verses in Proverbs have been on my mind for months! I work with FCA and have no accountability as far as how I use my time. the temptations are great to be slothful. Great post.
You did not just drop Henry did you? haha wow.
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