Thursday, January 1, 2009

Middle East Mess

Ever wonder why "we can't all just get along" in the Middle East?  You ever feel like no matter what the great USA does to save Israel or Afghanistan or Iraq, it will never be enough?  Anybody sick and tired of not understanding why these people cannot just call a 20 second time out, pop a regroup, and "talk things out"?  Let me help you will never ever stop until the end of the world.  This issue in the Middle East is not about oil, drugs, capitalism, crops or flags.  It is a huge biblical event that has been unfolding before our very eyes for 2500 years.  This is a sibling rivalry between brothers and the decision of God on who to place his covenant with.
This is all about Isaac and Ishmael.  Let's hit up my favorite book of the bible... Genesis 16 when God made His Covenant with Abraham's son Isaac, and basically told his half brother to hit the bricks.  Don't get things mixed up.  God blessed Ishmael and made him and his descendants a great nation. (whom are your Arabs, or Muslims of today),  In Genesis 16:13-16 (years before Abraham's second son Isaac was born) the Angel of the Lord told Abraham's servant Hagar that her son Ishmael would be "...a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him; and he will live to the east of all his brothers."  hmmm, that sound familiar to what you see on the news in the desert?
Let's get this story rolling.  Galatians 4 tells us that Ishmael had been "born according to the flesh" while Isaac had been "born according to the promise". Isaac replaced Ishmael as the favored son and heir. This, of course, made Ishmael jealous and bitter. As a result, he heavy weight taunted and hated on his half-brother. Eventually the situation became so "bruce wayne" that Abraham's wife Sarah demanded that Ishmael and his Egyptian concubine mother, Hagar, be sent packing permanently from Abraham's family.
Now as I said, God loved Hagar and Ishmael and blessed them and theirs greatly, but it was never good enough.  This amazing jealousy and envy of God choosing Isaac created an unparalleled hate which has set off war after war after war for four thousand years. When God handed over the keys to the kingdom to Isaac He started the battle between Jews and Arabs which has lasted all the way up to present day, and its going to keep on happening til the fat lady finally sings in End Times and this world becomes a foot note.
So, here is how you can use this story.  I hope this has armed you with some big Biblical knowledge to put in your arsenal.  Next time you hear about Hamas or Israel lobbing cruise missiles at each other from someone or you are standing next to a co worker or teammate watching Fox News or CNN hit em in the mouth with a few tidbits from this amazing bible story that is still yet to be completed.



1 comment:

Tanner said...

Insightful and comforting. Did I say comforting? Yes, comforting because Tyler's insight reveals control and sense of what seems like out of control nonsense. Always nice to be reminded of God's omniscience. Man, its nice to have another fellow resident of The Grove back in action.


PS - how about that ceiling fan with one blade you guys rocked in The Grove? I hear Durham wants to run the gauntlet.