Monday, March 11, 2013

Detroit Tiger Matt Tuiasosopo's testimony for E-Fellowship

I want to welcome Matt Tuiasosopo to the E-Fellowship crew. Matt is guy I have known for almost 10 years just from the game of baseball. We both grew up playing in the same high school conference, and we have competed against each other professionally for years as well. Matt is one of those guys that I try to yell at during batting practice to get some quick face time with, because for anyone that knows him he's got that presence about himself, and he flat out loves Jesus. His testimony hits home for me and I'm excited to have him be apart of this ministry. Enjoy...

My Story - 
Before I came to know Christ I lived a live fueled by fear.  Although I grew up in a Christian home and learned God loved me enough to give His one and only Son to die for me, I found myself constantly FEARING failure in all areas of my life.  I made sure I did all the right things because If I didn't perform well at home, school or in athletics I was so afraid of getting in trouble and being disciplined.  I knew that God, as well as my parents, loved me but my identity wasn't secure and found in Jesus, it was in my performance in life and relationships and success and failures in sports. 

I remember saying the "prayer" when I was younger at church but looking back I don't think I fully understood and realized what I was doing.  It wasn't until February of 2012 that I came to know Christ as I fully understood and experienced the Gospel for the first time in my life as God began LIFTING me from the pit of destruction and shame.  For a long time I had lived a life divided, as I went to bible chapel sunday mornings only to chase after the pleasures of this world sunday nights.  Fear crippled my life and caused me to be a peacemaker at all costs which led to deception in my marriage.  My performances in sports guided how I saw myself and if I failed, I took it as God didn't love me and I chose to rebel against Him, making many poor choices.  I almost lost my marriage and as I sat in my shame and guilt, God did what only He could. He saved my life when I couldn't save it myself. He turned my ashes into beauty.

Today I stand amazed by God's radical grace and mercy that are new every morning of my life.  I never forget that when I was powerless and dead in my sins, God moved and raised me to life.  Since I have received Christ into my heart I can't stop SINGING songs of worship and praise to the almighty Creator!  Everyday I remind myself that I am loved and accepted by the King Jesus no matter what happens in my life.  My hope and my trust is in Christ alone and to Him be the Glory always and forever!

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