Friday, October 26, 2012

Jesus Christ: Fully God, Fully Man

Scripture declares that the eternal Son of God became a man and walked and lived among us (Philippians 2:6-8), and “in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9 ESV).  It is important to understand that Jesus did not give up any of his attributes as God when he took on human form. When Jesus took on human form, he simply added the attributes of sinless humanity to his attributes as God. This form of existence as fully God and fully man is extremely significant and is certainly a mystery unlike any other form of existence in the created universe. Because of his deity, Jesus' humanity had an inability to sin which was unlike any other human being who has ever lived. Because of his humanity, Jesus was able to gain an experiential understanding of suffering and was able to experience death which was impossible for him to do as God alone. 

If the eternal Son of God had not become man then we would have no Savior and still be in bondage to sin awaiting the wrath of God. The only proper sacrifice that could be made for the sins of humanity would be the sacrifice of a sinless man. However, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 ESV). Only God is sinless, but God also cannot die. Therefore, the eternal Son of God took on human form which gave him the ability to experience death and ultimately granted us salvation. 

Scripture declares that Jesus had two natures that were united but not mixed, changed, divided, or separated. Jesus remained as he had always been (God) but also became what he had never been (man). “This means that the entire complex of the attributes of [God] and those of perfect humanity were maintained in Jesus Christ at all times since His Incarnation.”

Therefore, Jesus who resurrected from the grave and ascended to his place of authority by the Father has also now become a sympathetic High Priest that we can approach with confidence because he understands our weaknesses and suffering.

With Peace, 


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