Monday, September 10, 2012

Would You Like to Help?

In my last email, "Please Read... Please Pray," I briefly discussed the roller-coaster journey that my sister Donna and her husband David have been on for the past year and a half. This journey has led them to the path of adoption which is an exciting process that both of them are extremely grateful to be embracing. However, as some of you may know, this is not a cheap, quick or easy process either. Its a process that takes a good bit of time and energy to complete and one that is tough to prepare and plan for since you could get the call that you've been selected next week or next year. That being said, I wanted to do what I can as my sister's big brother (and soon to be uncle) to help her be as prepared as possible for the exciting new addition that God will soon graciously bless them with. So that's why I'm writing this email. I wanted to inform everyone and provide any of you guys that would like to help as well with an opportunity to help. Here's some ideas I had:

1) If we have any old baby stuff (clothes, toys, anything) that we don't need then we could send them to Donna and David.

2) We could buy small gift cards that they could use for diapers and stuff like that.

3) A friend of theirs is taking Donna to register for some things at Target and Babies R Us sometime in the near future so friends and family would be able to help in that way too. We could wait for that and help in that way if that might be easier. I'll provide that information if and when she registers.

4) We could write an encouraging card or email simply letting Donna and David know that we are praying for them. You could also write on the blog that they made here.

5) We can simply take a few minutes out of one day this week and pray specifically for them and the child that God will soon bless them with. There are many very specific things we could pray for.

Some of you have already helped in different ways, and I really can't even explain how much that has encouraged Donna and David. I guess you could say that this is my creative way of throwing them a baby shower before I get back home with them in a few weeks. There is obviously no obligation here because God has provided for them already in some pretty awesome ways. This is not a situation where they need help or they can't adopt. This is simply an idea that I had in order to maybe help them out some and encourage them at the same time. Thanks for taking the time to read, and I'll provide their address below for anyone who wants to join in to help.

With Peace and Anticipation,

- Terry

You can send whatever you'd like to:

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