Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Inter-squad Games

I was in Church Sunday and I thought about how Church is a lot like an inter-squad game (a game where you play with/against your teammates as a means to sharpen your skills to get better as an athlete/player/person). Everybody gets a chance to play on Sunday, it's like its mandatory because if you show up then the coach wants to give you a chance to see your ability. So each Sunday God will speak to us in a message or in a song that urges us to take it out into the real game/life so we can have an impact for the Kingdom. Now I'm not making Church out to be competition but I am relating it to God getting an opportunity to see you at your best (Sunday best). The convicting part is that during the week I ride the bench and often mix in with Joe Public and rarely exercise my God given ability to perform or better yet use what I have been learning and practicing on Sunday's. Occasionally I'll get thrown into the game (an opportunity) during the week but instead of shooting or swing the bat (standing up for the Kingdom, words, action, or thoughts) I pass the ball or look at the heater down the middle (a pitch I could/would have crushed). So my point of this post is to encourage us to move from Sunday Christians to everyday Christians or graduate from practice squad players to game ready all-stars. I pray that we all have a home church where we attend and get fed and I pray that we would take that knowledge and use it for His glory. Be blessed fam!


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