Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Curse of Motivational Speaking

I think this blog post from Conrad Mbewe, a pastor in Africa, needs to be heard by many Christians in the sports world.  Far too often we fall into the trap of God becoming a means to the end, which is our personal success. Pastor Mbewe says:

My chief quarrel with motivational speaking is that it reduces God to a means rather than an end. Men and women are not made to see that the nature of SIN lies in the letter “I” in the middle of the word. Instead, motivational speaking feeds that same ego and points to God as the one who can spoil it to the point of intoxication. That is a lie! It is God alone who must be at the centre of our lives. Christianity demands a dying to self, a taking up of one’s cross, and a following after a suffering Saviour.
Read the whole blog here.

- Tyler Durham

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