Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Action to Permanent Change

After reading a recent post I thought of my life and in thinking of that I thought of my business (my business has replaced baseball in terms of what occupies my idle mind). What popped into my head is my interactions with clients and how many people won't change their behaviors until they can feel the pain of what they are doing and how that will ultimately affect them in a way that doesn't line up with who they want to be. Sometimes people get it right away but most people need to be informed and given details, agonizing details before they will make a change that they know is an obvious good move (we're not selling snake oil here). Many times the person has found many ways to rationalize their reasons for not changing and it's alarming to here what they'll say. They've grown comfortable in their ways even though they are leading them into a bad place.

So here is the correlation, my bible says this- "for the wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord". Roman 6:23

My question is "do you have something in your life that is beating you slowly where the repercussions could be deadly?" Is now the time to make change? This could be something big or small, the bottom line is what will it cost you not to take action an kill this sin that has grown so comfortable in your life? Better yet, what will you gain by crushing this issue and freeing yourself from its bondage. Personally I don't want to be a slave to laziness anymore, I'm tired of not waking up to knock out some reading, exercise, spend time with Jesus being grateful for Him, and spending time with you all on this blog. I want to live and live abundantly but if I don't press in and tap all these resources I'll live with regret. This is too painful to think about so I'm changing. So to run it back; what is it in your life that needs action, that needs change? Are you in, is the pain of not taking action enough to launch you into action? Something that puts me into action is to think of myself and what my life would look like in 10 then 20 years if I don't make this change.

Let me share a quick story about a friend of mine who I played against a few years ago. He had come to a place where he no longer wanted to be a slave to chewing tobacco, it had dominated him for too long. His wife had asked him to change and with a look of disappointment, that was enough for my friend. He launched into action and the first week of change he was exposed to a tough environment but fortunately he had some Christian brothers to hold him accountable. This past January we celebrated a year of being dip-free and he feels as though some chains of bondage has been dropped. God is amazing because that couldn't have been an easy hurdle.

Be blessed everybody, I appreciate you reading.


Andrew said...

I really appreciate your words on this topic.
It's so important to mutually encourage each other and also very important to challenge one another.
Thanks for your time and thoughts.

SbrviviLaMafiaAntigua said...

very well said brother.