Sunday, September 11, 2011


"Following Jesus doesn't make life easier, it makes life simpler. God's expectations are the only ones that ultimately matter." - Brandon Cash

Statistically I've had my worst 3 weeks of the season. It's not fun by any means, and I battle with leaving it at the field and not taking it out on my wife, family and friends. I'm sure all the current and former athletes reading this understand the struggle! But by who's standards am I measuring my success by? The game of baseball or God's? If my joy in life is in and through baseball I'm setting myself up for a heck of a roller coaster ride. If I measure my success under Christ then that's something I can succeed in every single day! I've had more discussions about Jesus the past week than I've had all year. What a tremendous opportunity we have everyday to share Christ with someone!!! By no means am I saying that I'm not taking my job seriously but the freedom and peace I've felt lately has been undeserved. His grace and wisdom have really been revealed and I felt inspired to share that with you all. 

Thanks for your time as always, 


1 comment:

Hannah said...

Hey!! I hope things will get better for you soon!!! But, use this as a opportunity to wittness to others, just remember, praise God when you are doing good and praise God when your not!! He will bless you for that!!!! :)