Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers Day


Let me start by saying Happy Fathers Day to all you dads that have little ones. Today, while listening to our team chaplain talk about father's day I was really convicted on the importance of our role as fathers. Now, I know some of you don't have children but I still think there are some good thoughts here so hang with me for a few minutes. It has been said that the most important person in a kids life is their father. You can also make a case that the most troubled kids often times had to grow up without a dad in the house. We as fathers have an ENORMOUS role in our household. We ARE the spiritual leaders of our household. Our chaplain had some key thoughts that really hit home for me so I want to share them with you. First, our children are around us constantly so it's a natural thing for them to pick up on little things we do, faces we make, etc. They copy certain sayings we say (I know this because one of my daughters says "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout" and she's 3 years old). They watch us constantly. They watch how we treat our spouses, and how we punish them or show humility when we are wrong. Basically, as fathers, we are laying down the foundation for how our kids will parent their kids. How many times can you look back and say "Well, my mom/dad did it like that and I think that's exactly how I'm gunna do it." Our Chaplain was saying if he handles something poorly with his wife or even one of his kids the first thing he does is go to the child and tell them he handled the situation wrong and that he's sorry. That way his kids see humility. I'll tell you what I love. My wife sometimes remembers getting up early for school and always seeing her dad having his quiet time reading his Bible. I think that's awesome. A few years ago, I stayed with my friend Steve in Orlando for 6 weeks. Steve has 4 boys who any parent would be proud of. Every morning around 5:30 a.m. he grabbed his Bible and started his day off right. Like a child I watched him and studied him because he was different. His boys and his wife respected him as the spiritual leader he was. I want that to be me one day but I haven't grasped the whole 5:30 thing yet. My friend Mickey in Chicago has daughters that have that awesome Godly glow from being taught at an early age what Jesus' love is all about. All my spiritual mentors that have families are leading by example. No, they're leading by Christ's example and it is inspiring. Here's what I'm getting at. Our spiritual walk not only affects our lives and our kids lives. It has the potential to affect our grandkids and great grandkids lives, and on and on. But, here's the kicker. We'll only have that kind of impact if we live our own lives in a way that reflects the glory and greatness of God. If they just see us then maybe we haven't gotten the point....if they see God in us then that's when we're really parenting. Thanks for reading



wearitbaseball said...

Great post bro! I'm sure you may have already seen this but it is short, sweet, and so good:

B. Free said...

Great postage. It is also one of my dreams to get up... when it's still dark and eat some word consistently! Great to meet you in the Lou.