Sunday, December 19, 2010

Prayer Agenda

"And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your father knows what you need before you ask him." Matthew 6:7-8 ESV

I find myself often feeling guilty about my prayer time. So at times I'll rush up some prayers and find myself after it feeling even worse. I guess I just get lazy, and that's convicting to even admit because when we pray God is right there. He doesn't sit prayers out! He already knows my needs so why am I so pressed to tell him right away? I gotta line up prayers with God's word. From finances to sex, what doesn't the Bible tell us!? It blows my mind how true and relevant it is. So here we go:

1. Confess Sins (pour it out)
2. Holy Spirit takes over (can't happen without #1... get the flesh to shut up)
3. Petitions of Praise
       -what God has done for me, and others
       -remind him to remind yourself all he's done for you (so many blessings we take for granite)
4. Petition of Needs
       -your last! Matt 6:7

Let's try to hold each other accountable on our prayer life. Prayer Warriors!!! Let's take it serious and "pray so much we need some knee pads." - Andre 3000 


Tanner said...

I struggle with the consistency of my prayer life as well. I'm the kind of person that does give praises throughout the day as my day unfolds but doesn't hold steady to some good one on one quiet time with God each and every day. I've designated some time now that I think helps me stay more consistent but I've still struggled some. I began praying with Asher before we put him to bed and then right after we put him down, Me and Tanner will take the time to pray together or split up and pray on our own. This works well for us as long as I stick to the commitment.

As far as the content of my prayers these days, I find myself just offering constant praise and thanks for the many blessings that God has granted me and my family, and I ask for solid stewardship of these blessings. Confession: I don't take enough time to sit and pray for others. Thats got to change. I probably need to start making prayer lists and just go over them with God.

Last thing. Anyone else not like repeating themselves when it comes to prayer? For example, if I ask God for a specific requests such as, "may the weather be nice this weekend for my sisters wedding". I feel a little weird asking him again the next day for the very same thing. Can someone help me here? Is this stupid? I just feel like He heard me the first time so no need to keep repeating myself. I can ask for other things pertaining to the request I guess such as, peace about the weather, faith in God's sovereignty over the weather, etc. but I don't feel the need to repeat myself. Somebody help it out on this.

Anyway, good to back in fellowship with you guys. I do not take you guys for "granite" or "granted".

- Terry

Anonymous said...

I feel you on the repeating prayer deal. I don't see it being a problem though, think about when people fast for a day or two? Usually praying on one thing too. God knows our heart, and if there is something we need then let's lift it up to him. Pray without ceasing!!! Solid prayer life is the foundation to so much... I need it and want it.