hope everyone is enjoying bowl season. Boise State looks flat so far... anyways lets get going.
before we reorganized here, I replied to Jules on an email and had some things sitting on my chest like an elephant. Biggest topic was money, and how it was occupying my mind. To sum up for those who have missed it, I was just saying how the main things on my brain have been "get money, then get more money". All of this felt from the pressure of a new addition to our family and busting out of our house at the seams. We just had our second daughter, Harper, and actually she is a really good baby. Only problem is the manly desire I have to provide or make things better for my family.
We have been over the money issue before, but it always comes back up as a problem in my life. It is mentioned over and over in the bible as something to be mindful of. I have been in talks with Nolan on this and his point is a good one. It is a HEART issue as well as a money issue (Nolan, feel free to elaborate on a reply). Your heart is in the wrong direction when money is at the top of your list. And, I agree with that for the most part. I have another direction that weighs on me with the issue of money and that is WORRY.
I told Terry this conversation that I was having with a friend of ours, who actually got me my first real job in sales after pro ball. This guy has done very well in sales and is making tons of money. He is also working late every night and stressed out Boiler Room styles. Anyways, I was talking to this friend at lunch the other week, and I was going on and on about how I want a promotion. I deserve it! Im sick of this! I need more money! I got a 13 yr old car, my house is to small. I want out of this ghetto neighborhood, blah blah blah. His reply to this was very helpful. it is an old lesson, but it bears repeating. He simply said, "well, I have a huge house. I have two brand new cars, very high paying job and I hate my life" Folks, the grass is always always always greener.
So, to bring us home on the Worry factor of money. I am always worried about bills and cars breaking down and house payments and Christmas presents being good enough. Does this convo sound familiar ("Well, we spent $50 on your mom and only $45 on my mom, we are going to have to go find something else for my mom". haha what a joke). I like these verses from Matthew about worry and how useless it is:
Matthew 6:25- Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink or about y our body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the b ody more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
-little PETA slam there as well. Humans ARE more important than birds, go figure
We all see the point here with this verse. Stop worrying, it helps nothing and changes nothing. Be proactive, get out and make your own worry disappear with work. The birds dont have barns and yet God still provides them with food everyday, but they have to work for it.
Tyler, I know me and you tend to never get too emotionally serious when we hang or talk, but I'm going to be serious here. The way you open up your heart and speak the "real" everytime you post is the reason this group values you so much. I've seen and we've briefly talked about how the issue of more money has stressed you out over the past year or so. First, I think its a huge step in the right direction that you admit that your heart is not where it should be on this issue. Second, you explained at the end of your post the way your heart should be (God will provide). My challenge to you is this: You obviously know the problem and know the answer so please continue to be open and honest about it and start trying to apply what you know to be true.
This money thing is a temptation that all of us (esp. fathers)struggle with. I know this temptation rears its ugly head in my life everytime it looks like my career is coming to an end. I will encourage you with this though, that the more I have prayed about it and fought it off the less power this temptation seems to have over me. I've also had this strong conviction over the last two years to simplify my lifestyle, and I really like the way that has changed my life. I want my children to grow up in a home where nice things are a priveledge and a special treat and not an everyday necessity. Anyway, I feel like this is a topic we ALL need to speak more on and now that Tyler has brought it up, I hope to see a good bit of dialogue on this issue. I'll shut up for now, but I don't think we should just read this particular post and move on. Let's engage on this issue.
PS - don't be satisfied with just doing your daily bread post each week. Participate and lets work these topics out. Don't be satisfied sun bathing on the surface. Put some scuba gear on and dive in. This is me holding this group accountable.
Tyler--Don't forget about the few verses before the one you quoted about the birds. You can't serve two masters (God and money) or you'll love one and hate the other. Things are just things anyways...moths and rust are going to destroy them...lay up for yourself treasures in heaven instead. I encourage you to think about 1 Timothy on pursuing those things more than money.
Have you made this a major matter of prayer in your life?? I encourage you to memorize some of these scripts so that you can fight off Satan's temptations when they come...meditate on them day and night...then you will be a man who prospers in EVERYTHING you do. (Psalm 1)
In the end what Suzanne, Reese and Harper NEED is a strong biblical faith...that you can provide (with the Holy Spirits enabling) no matter how much $$$ you make.
I'll flip it one time over too.... How bout taking for granite the nice things we do have? Taking for granite when we come into some money? Also, being a go steward with it all!? Cutting that check out to the church or charity that your house might need in upgrades/repairs? That's a struggle for me but praise God it's gotten better with time.
Terry, I feel you on the baseball slipping through the fingers thoughts... What will I do? No education? Start to press and grind. No bueno. Nolan, your 100% on it though, God's word is the ultimate financial freedom book. There are no Uhauls behind a hearse!!! Let's pray on it and surrender it all to God. Cheerful givers and obedient in our trust that god will provide. TRUST IT.
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