Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Stakes Just Went Up

The past few days I spent at PAO (Professional Athletes Outreach) in Dallas, Texas. There were a few of us E-fellows there...TMart, Hawksworth, Pags, Brett Carrol, Boyer, and myself to name a few. I can say with a certainty that everybody had a great and spiritually enhancing time. Some awesome things came about there. Every year at PAO, there is an allotted time for individuals at the end of the conference to get up on stage and say whatever they want. It can be about the conference, a speaker that you really loved, literally whatever you want. Well, some of the E-fellas put our noggins together one day and decided when "open mike" night came we would get on stage and give every person at the conference a chance to start receiving our emails. Well, that is exactly what happened. Blake, Pags, and BC represented the fellas on stage and shared the history of E-fellowship. They spoke of the blog and E-outreach. The reaction was good and when PAO sends out their address and email list of everybody that attended the conference, soon after they will receive an invite to experience E-fellowship. This, whether we know it or not, has become a ministry. Sure, we aren't trained professionals. But, why do we have to have a fancy degree to tell everybody how God is working in our lives, and how much we love Him and need Him. Think about where it came from and how much it's grown. From a group of four or five guys to an ever growing list of ballers that is extending into pretty much every league. And from there, an E-outreach group that is reaching hundreds of people. Several different players approached me at the conference saying that they have really enjoyed the E-fellowship emails. Guys, this thing has taken a life of it's own and we need to make sure that when the numbers start to rise that we are honoring our days, and letting God speak as often as possible. This can, and in my opinion, should be a net with no holes to catch as many fish as we can. WE ARE FISHERS OF MEN....

Mark 1:16-18 (New International Version)

16As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." 18At once they left their nets and followed him.

We don't need those nets.....we are nets. We love you Jesus....



Tanner said...

Wow! Man, I love this group!

Nolan Gottlieb said...

That's Awesome!!! When God has his hand on something there's no limit to what He'll do with it...

Tyler Parker said...

This makes me nervous in a good way. Like Christmas morning. Time to step up on hitting me days everytime like Waino said.
Feel like I just got cold water tossed in my face. Wake up call