Monday, December 28, 2009

Lift scrips not weights?

"Bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present lie and also for the life to come." - 1 Timothy 4:8

Here is where I'm at... I'm not making my spiritual training number one in my life. It's second to my physical. I was talking to Jules last night on the phone and praise be to God I just blurt out that I need him to seriously challenge me and hold me accountable for setting my alarm in the AM and opening God's word. To be still and read and soak it up before I turn on this world. Now for some of us that might be a little grindy. Kids, work, roommates, etc. But if you find yourself making excuses or it seems like too much work, then usually it's the right thing to do. (Thanks Terry) Johnny Mac Piece McNugget pointed out this scripture to me in his devotional I read today. "By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life." -1 Peter 1:3

What's your excuse now? I can't find one and believe I looked all morning laying in bed. Most of us here are athletes and God has blessed us with some serious competitive fire. Use it! Want to study and obtain God's word. Memorize scripture and be a leader for others around you. Not for the recognition or to pump up your pride but for Jesus Christ! He saved you dumb dum! So let's crank up some accountability in this group and study HIS WORD. Pick a time and shut off everything and read. Pray that God would transform your mind and allow you to be more like him. If you don't feel that guilt after reading this then your a really good Christian and I'm not, so whatever. ha



Matt said...

whoa, I was just wrestling with this issue myself this morning and then all of a sudden I click on e-fellowship and Waino and Blake hit me on the chin with a 1-2 combo! Now I'm gonna go dig in the word, thanks for the push over the hill!!!!

P.S. Opening the word or spending that quiet time with God should not be a chore type of thing, it is a desire type of thing. So what are desiring more, the world and its pleasures or God? Stay focused men!

Tanner said...

So after reading these last two posts from Blake and Waino, I must raise a question....

What can we do to get an e-fellowship Bible study going? Possibly, pick a book of the Bible and go through it together? Video conference through Skype and have our study?

I'm up for anything and down for whatever.


Jules said...

Solid post by both of you. Great idea Terry, who is going to make it happen? I'm not because I'm too lazy and sinful. If you don't come on here and claim that problem publicly like I did then I assume you don't have that issue so what's your excuse? Make it work!

waino said...

im in on the study. most of us have apple computers and we could i chat it up. but, first things first. ....terry....georgia boys do not wear hats like that. Just trying to keep you georgia....not anaheim.

Nolan Gottlieb said...

I'm in for the ichat bible study...

Tanner said...

Ok, here's the deal. When I get home, I will think of a way to make this video conference work....

First, I need a list of names that want in.

Second, Does everyone have ichat? if not lets do Skype.

Third, Does anyone know the capabilities of ichat vs. skype as far as how many people can video chat at one time?

Fourth, We need a set time each week to have this study so it stays consistent.

Fifth, What format are you guys feeling? I'd like to pick a book of the Bible and go through it together. Any suggestions? Romans is my suggestion.

Let's make this happen.


Waino = The hat foreshadows my vibe when I'm a retired old man. I'm going to be that old man in the corner of the breakfast spot drinking (crushing) coffee and reading the paper all morning.

Anonymous said...

Obviously I'm in. Send a tech guy to my house

waino said...

i've been up all night lifting sripts not weights so i guess i'm in