Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Life Without thanks

I witnessed something today at the park that applies perfectly to the life we should be living.
The story goes like this. I was in the dugout. A teammate got a hit to score a few runs and the inning ended shortly after that. That player came in to get his glove to play the field, and when he did almost every player got up and gave him his well deserved congrats. Every player but one. I told the guy that didn't get up that he needed to get up and give the man five for a job well done. But, to my dismay the player told me he didn't have to because the other guy doesn't tell him nice job when he does something good. At first I was kinda ticked off. Then I realized that this individual doesn't know Jesus like I do. If you don't have Jesus in your life then you SHOULD try to live life as selfish as possible. If you don't believe that there's more to our lives than what's on this finite Earth...then go for it. Go crazy cuz it'll be over quick. Do whatever you want. If you don't believe you have a purpose on this Earth and that you have been saved by it up. But, if you do believe that you are living this life purposefully with a mission to glorify God then suddenly life isn't about us anymore. Life then becomes about serving. Serving God and serving others. Lets change the old saying from "two wrongs don't make a right" to "God has blessed me too much to care about how I thought I was wronged." A friend of mine always tells me that I'm too blessed to be stressed...and he's right. I've realized that because of Jesus life isn't about what's happened to me...its about what happened for me. Thanks Jesus..... Talk to you soon
ps..., when someone asks me about purpose I direct them to Jeremiah 29:11. If you don't know it check it'll give you a reason to jump in The Word

1 comment:

Jules said...

So true, oh how blind we can be sometimes, it's terrible. But it can be liberating to see how far we've come during situations like that, reminding us of the worlds blindness to the truth. How juvenile do non-believers look when they act out in selfishness.