Proverbs 31:10 "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than Jewels.
Ephesians 5:28 "He who loves his wife loves himself."
Everyone of us has a desire to be loved so we search and search for that special girl who we can be so proud to show off to our family and friends. Some are still searching and some have found her but don't realize it for various reasons. I just want to share my experience with everyone here on this Tuesday morning.
I always had good friends growing up that I would lean on when I needed to talk out an issue of my life. With girls I just looked to them for love and acceptance and more often then not I went about it in ungodly ways because I was so immature. I got engaged and then married to Christy because it seemed like the natural progression of our relationship and I loved her and didn't want to loose her. My mother was very good at communicating with my brother and I as children so I inherited that it helped in my relationships. In communicating with Christy she taught me that there were things that she liked and didn't, I complied because I loved her. These things were small at the time and didn't effect my life too much so it was easy. During this time we both became Christians and started to study the bible and all God's commandments. Then we got married and things changed in the same direction (Christy telling me I needed to change some things) but this time a lot came in a small amount of time. I felt vulnerable and angry, I tried to blame chase and turned conversations into pissing contests. It was brutal because I was so stubborn and I refused to see the situations through any other lens than my own. We would pray together and alone crying out to God that he would make our relationship work, we wanted to make it work despite our limited efforts. Then God turned the lights on with the help of some Christian books and some meaty scriptures from the Bible.
I was being selfish, I needed to put Christy (my wife) before myself and serve her before I can ever expect to be served. By doing so I reaped the joy of doing something for someone else (it's biblical and worth trying). I needed to be more like Jesus (hint: a spontaneous foot rub goes a long way) and serve without expecting things in return. Quickly, she became my best friend and she opened her entire self (she would crack jokes without worrying if I thought she was stupid)up to me as we just got really real with one another. The best times we have together are times when we both laugh at stupid things we do and we can do this because we developed the trust that we feel completely comfortable being vulnerable.
I say all this to get across the point that we need to be less selfish in our relationships and start serving others so we can experience a deeper more meaningful love and friendship. Some of us have a girl but take for granted how special she is because we have allowed the cons to over shadow the pros. Some of us are still looking because we're looking in all the wrong places and valuing the wrong things. Some of us are starting to get complacent and lazy. All of us need to take the challenge are you ready? God has us right where He wants/needs us so with what He has given us let us use it. For the guys who have a wife or girlfriend treat her like she is God's daugther and help her to know how wonderful she is by serving her because she is worth it. The effort needs to start with us, we are the leaders of the relationship, serve her and tell her how beautiful she is. For the guys who don't have we need to tend our field, we need to be prepared for the harvest. Act obediently in righteousness like a man does, stop acting like a boy partaking in activities of pagans. If you act like a pagan (non-believer) you will attract a pagan, what do we expect? I love you guys and pray the best for us all so let us be blessed with what we have and prepare our fields for the blessings to come.
It is amazing what happens to any relationship when both participating parties put themselves on the back burner in servitude to the other. That isn't just a marriage tip either. That works in any relationship of any kind. How brilliant is the concept "What Would Jesus Do"? Forget the multicolored bracelet, that mind-set alone is gold.
Purely good stuff!!!
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