Monday, May 11, 2009

taking the time....all the time

As I sat here in my hotel bed watching some show about aliens on the history channel I asked myself "I wonder what day of the week it is?" Thats me during the baseball season right there. So caught up in my own world that I havent taken the time to remember that I made a commitment to this group to write on saturdays. Sure I remembered this time but only because I knew tomorrows game was a Sunday day game. Once I remembered it was my day I looked at the clock and saw that it was 1 am and immediately the ole i'm gunna be tired excuse crept into my brain. Thats exactly what happens alot in my Christian walk. Sometimes i'll be sittin at the table with all the guys half way through a nice meal and remember I forgot to pray before I began eating. I always wonder if I had prayed if anyone would have seen and remembered themselves or been impacted positively in some way. Numerous times a week I find myself almost drifting off to sleep only to realize I hadn't done my reading for that day. What really makes me mad is when someone asks me to pray for someone about something very important and I forget until days later. I get mad just writing that about myself. And when it comes to this group that has blessed me so much I am not as consistent as I should be. But, at the same time, I get kinda fired up for God in my struggles. Because I know God doesn't make mistakes like that. He doesn't forget, and He always has time for us...all the time. God is infinately consistent and that is so cool.
When it comes to my profession I don't have a problem with taking the time to do anything. I don't seem to forget to prepare for each game I'll pitch. I make sure I get my gym time in, and my running done, and my film watching so what the heck. I only speak for myself when I say this but God deserves better than the time I have given him to this point. I will pray that He gives me the strength to honor Him with the time that He has given me. Romans 12:2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.Romans 12:1-3 (in Context) Romans
heres to not conforming anymore,

1 comment:

Jules said...

Why is this such a problem for me/us? It is such a battle to be consistent at times I grow weary of the grind.