Freedom in Christ...
Many Christians rightly associate this thought with the gift of salvation. However, we often think that freedom in Christ only has to do with salvation.
Or...we will misinterpret it as license to do whatever we want...wrongly thinking that somehow God doesn't mind our sin because of His attributes of mercy and grace, misusing Romans 5:20 as their support.
I contend that this freedom in Christ doesn't stop with salvation, but is a consistent element in our sanctification. It's scary sometimes to do what God has called and commanded us to do. We often feel like it's too dangerous on many levels to obey...whether that means sharing the Gospel with our co-workers, standing up to your boss when he asks you to do something unethical, or moving to the ghetto and living the rest of your life in order to share God's truth with your neighbors.
If you are not free in Christ, you have a valid excuse not to do these things. If I'm not free in Christ then it's a HUGE risk to move to a scary neighborhood...or its a HUGE risk to stand up to your boss...because in the end you aren't sure what's gonna happen to you.
BUT...when Christ has freed no longer live in fear of what might happen. Why?? Because what's the worst thing possible about living in the get robbed and killed?? Well then that gets me to what I've been eternity with the Most High God. There is no fear because God has set me free to do what He's calling me to do...knowing that ULTIMATELY it's going to be ok.
So...are you living with a freedom in Christ??? And I'm not just talking about salvation.
There are quite a few things I'd like to say to my boss but I'm not sure they are Spirit driven. Do I just continue to wear it and be treated like I'm 20 years old in A ball again?I know that all authority over me has been appointed by The Authority for His purpose so do I look at this situation as a way to build character and glorify God through my calm restraint?
Good question...When I said stand up to your boss, I had in mind something that is obviously a sin (cheating on taxes, asking you to keep an improper relationship he's having a secret, requiring you to sacrifice your family on the alter of the almighty dollar, etc).
I think about your situation and I can't help but think that you are doing the right thing.
Maybe the reason the Spirit isn't driving you to say anything is because He's already telling you, "I've got you right where I want you for the perfect reason I've got in mind...".
Also...this may be a test. Follow me here...There's a thin line between wanting your talents to be recognized and pride. All I hear in the schools I sub at is "They disrespecting me...", which translates I have a huge ego, struggle with pride, and I'm never gonna humble myself for anything or anybody. Please don't take this as me accusing you of anything, but maybe as a heads-up. Your situation is one that Satan has on his radar big time. He would love to worm(wood) his way in there and tear away at the Christlike foundation that has been laid over the past 3 years you've been there. I don't want you to board the same boat as Lattrell Spreewell...
Dude, as encouragement to you and to this whole group now (since it's on the site), keep the faith. You are obviously, as we've talked about, there for a reason. Maybe one of them is to be an example to your manager...
Love you bro...hope some of that made sense. It sounded good in my head...I guess we'll see. Holla back.
Great post. We all need to be clay in the hands of God and not iron. He's got us, but we continue to question that.
love the post. I believe Jesus provides the only true way to be able to fully relax. I trust Him and His perfect plan.
A tricky thing is when we become numb to the unethical side of our job and we start to let it leak into other areas of our lives making a mess of our witness. I know I am guilty of this. I feel it is important to pray for courage to stand out and not blend in. Do you feel this way?
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