Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day!

Whats up fellas? By the time most of yall will be reading this it will be Easter Sunday so...Happy Easter. Or Happy Resurrection Day. How cool is that? Our Lord was crucified on a cross and put into a tomb and three days later was raised up from the dead. ONE of the awesome parts for me in all this is that Jesus taunted the soldiers when he was alive saying in mathew 2:19-22, destroy this temple and i will raise it again in three days." Jesus was speaking of His body. He called his shot. He's a shotcaller. Jesus brought numerous people back to life from the dead so what's the big deal. He is Lord...there is nothing impossible for Him. Jesus once resurrected a man who had been dead for four days....that's as dead as you can get.
What just gets me confused is how our Lord can tell everyone that He would die and be raised again from the dead, then it comes true exactly like he said, he walks around showing Himself to as many as five hundred people at a time (1 cor 15), and still not everyone believed. Even one of His devoted apostles, Thomas, had to put his hands on Jesus' wounds to believe. That is human-ness in a nut shell right there. We are the gotta have proof, too smart to believe it until i see it kind. Well studs, our Lord is infinite. He is beyond measure and beyond our full understanding. Praise Him for that.
Our Savior took on human form to die as payment for our sins. Our Savior is awesome isn't He. Our Savior was a model of how to live life to the fullest. I heard a statement once that i really loved and i'm sorry that i cant remember who said it. Someone was asking why doesnt Jesus do more everyday to help people and the response was perfect..."if the only reason Jesus died on the cross was for our salvation then that is enough." I would say more than enough. I think we get a lil greedy sometimes and just need to remember that in His death He washed away all our sins, and gave our soul an eternal resting place beside our Heavenly Father. WOW! Our Savior has risen! Our Savior is alive.
Happy Easter


Tyler Parker said...

How simplistic does this miracle make all the others? Jesus did something that Muhammed and Buddha could not. He broke the finite rule of death. You see this and can see how awesome a feat it was. That word gets tossed around tooooo much "awesome". It needs to be reserved for situations like this. What is the big deal about walking on water and feeding 5,000 with a few loafs of bread and fish? This miracle is on the top of the trophy podium and we need to recognize it as such.

Why does the Easter Bunny make me so mad and Santa is cool with me? Random thought, but I just can't stand the mall easter bunny. He does nothing for me.

Tanner said...

Easter, just like Christmas, was adopted as a holiday at the First Council of Nicaea. These now Christian holidays were adopted to take the place of similar pagan holidays around the same time. The Easter Bunny took the place of the German fertility goddess Eostre. Constantine put Christmas on December 25th to correspond to the Roman solar holiday Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. I guess my point is to celebrate Jesus everyday!


Jules said...

Terry I see you dropping knowledge on the under. Parker you make me laugh, "the Easter Bunny does nothing for me", I get an image of the look on your face that goes with the comment. Nice post by Adam obviously a great topic. This group means a lot to me period!