Are your hearts soft for non-believers that drive you crazy? Or do you clown on them just like everyone else to be cool? What about that strong believer that does all the right things in church and comes off "Johny Long Prayer" at your dinner table and everyone is in awe of? Good biblical knowledge and he just flat out eats at your pride! You find yourself wanting praise and recognition and it ruins your witness to him and everyone else.
"Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose." Phil 2:2 NLT
Regardless of somebody's spiritual pop or lucifer ways, we are called to LOVE that person. We don't condone sin, and we will stand for righteousness above all things, but will also reach a hand out with such compassion and love that everyone will see Jesus Christ through or actions and not our words. It's a very difficult thing for us to truly apply in our lives, because let's face it... There are some people that test us. So lets change our approach for future encounters, and start praying for those people. Stop thinking life is about you and your little problems because it's NOT. God wants a prideless humble heart to serve and worship him above all things. Keep your game tight brohams and stay on the grind for the Kingdom.
you keep your game tight. Good post. You love you some johnny long prayer...and you definately love you some philipians.
Philippians has changed your life and your knowledge on the subject makes me convicted to get some myself. Go back and read how spitty you have got on Philippians and you will see what I'm talking about. Archives are heat.
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