Monday, March 16, 2009

Remember when?

Whats up fellas? Sorry i missed my day (computer was on the fritz), but i figure better late than never.
Remember how life was before we came to know Christ? I do. Sinning was easy...even though i didn't think of it as sin. Porn, bring it on. Getting drunk, not a ton but at least a few times a month. And what about some wacky weed every now and then. I wasn't hurting anybody right. Life was easy man. No need for accountability, just don't do anything stupid enough to get you locked up and your good. No need for prayer, cuz i could do everything myself. Anybody else on here believe that back in the day? Is there anybody else on here that was as lost and searching as i was? Don't get me wrong, i wasn't a bad guy by worldly standards, but how many "good guys" do you know that are heading for an afterlife of agony. Just watch one episode of almost anything on tv and you'll realize how fallen our world is. Sex scenes every episode, super bowl commercials you gotta turn the channel on or tell the kids to turn their heads.....earmuffs. Its only gunna get worse dudes. How much easier is it to yell at the guy that cut you off than to just forgive. Its a tough life we live now, and the entire world is watching us to see if we'll fail.
The truth of being a christian, actually, is life undoubtedly gets tougher after being saved than pre. Trust me, i know. The temptation we face everyday begins to stack up higher and higher until the only thing we can possibly turn to for relief is God. Its not something we cant handle though as God says he wont give us more than we can stand. Or maybe it is more than we can handle just not more than He can handle. Either way, we're protected. 2 Timothy 4:16-22, "The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed . . . and I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me . . . and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom." And, we get to live our life with a joy and peace because we know exactly where we'll be living for eternity. As my buddy Blaine Boyer once said "thank God for God!"
sorry for the delay,

1 comment:

Jules said...

Love it, this heavily will influence my post. "I'm glad God made God", hahaa, classic and profound.