Also, what I'm about to write hit my heart hard because my last two years spiritually and professionally have been very tuff and inconsistent. You can say I've been a straight ween on the bump. So here we go....
"If Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, learned obedience by the things He suffered (Hebrews 5:8) and if He suffered most when He performed His highest act of obedience to God, what makes you think we're going to get out of it? Are you suffering greatly, even though your heart is right before God? Praise God-your right on schedule! It means he's got something amazing for you to do. The suffering is coming because He has to get you in shape. Rejoice! You're on His select squad, the Elite Elect. You're on the same team with Joseph, Daniel, Jeremiah, Job, John the Baptist, Stephen, and Paul. That sounds like a dream team!"
"Fearful means faithless-especially since we've been told by Jesus Christ not to fear the tribulations that are going to come."
"You and I turn cowardly when we look at our problems and our limitations. But when we fix our eyes on what God can do, not on what we can't do, our fears melt into confidence, and we'll go our way rejoicing."
Wow! Waino, coward on the mound. Check! Fears melt into confidence? Check! Sound familiar? No office time needed.
This last part is from a prayer of his and it hit me in the face hard last night and I'm still on the mat looking for my mouth piece...
"God, I confess to you that I have allowed my fears to put me into bondage. I know I must now give them to you. Lord, please change my eyesight. I confess this is a sin and want to get rid of it. I acknowledge that you're in control, Father, and I chose to think on Your abilities rather than my limitations."
Bro's by no means have I figured this game out... But God defiantly has changed some things in my heart this year and it's kinda pumping me up. I've prayed for this change and need to continue to do so everyday! Jesus Christ is a flat out Warrior and don't let anybody tell you different.
Blake "constantly humbled" Hawksworth
wow...Choose to think on His abilities and not on my limitations. Great outlook, great prayer. Nice timing too, thats exactly what I've been looking for these last few weeks.
I can't hide from any of you apparently. Blake, man, perfect timing. You spoke right to me. Where's my swag? Where's that swag walking up to the dish as if Jesus Christ Himself is right beside me? Did I leave it at Roger Dean with the Ju-cicle? Remember that Debo bike Jules rolled around Abacoa with? I could do this all night so I'll wrap it up. Basically, thanks Blake and again Thank You Jesus!
Blake. good post. There is nothing more agitating to me than hearing someone say, "why me?". I know many of you have been on mission trips and seen REAL suffering around the globe. We all have done it in sports, and I have taken it into the sales world. Whining, complaining about how tough my day was as I drive in my air conditioned car (full of gas) to my own home where my wife and healthy baby are waiting on me. It is true that without the bitter, the sweet would not be as sweet. In one of our sunday meetings with baseball chapel in Peoria, this player (who I can't even remember their name) said he feels "all Job'ed out sometimes" haha. I use that line to this day. Remember to have that swagger, and know that there is a plan. I always feel that my timing is a little off from God's planning for my life and then looking back I will say, "oh ya, that was perfect how that worked out. Thanks Jesus, good idea on holding off that prayer request. I didn't even know what I really wanted"
Nothing is the end of the world, except the end of the world.
Alright, I am fresh out of cliches so I'm done now.
Blake...that's heat son!! That's what God was talking about in the whirlwind...
I love the Job'd out out thing too...I might have to steal that one.
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